This guide provides selected resources available to you through UCalgary Library and the Internet
Example from the "19th Century Actors and Theater Photographs" Digital Collection

- ARTSTORARTstor is a digital library of over a million images with new image collections added several times a year and with a set of tools to view, present, and manage images for research and pedagogical purposes. ARTstor covers many time periods and cultures, serving users both within the arts and in disciplines outside of the arts including historians of Art and Architecture and others engaged in the visual arts
- Acclaimed Theatrical PhotographersThe New York Public Library's collections of over 60,000 theatre photographs.
Other Specialized Collections
- J. Willis Sayre PhotographsThe Sayre Collection consists of more than 24,000 photographs of theatrical and vaudeville performers, musicians, and entertainers who played in Seattle between about 1900 and 1955 (some of the materials date back to the 1870s).
- Daphne Dare CollectionThis collection of The Ohio State University Libraries' Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee Theatre Research Institute includes costume and scene designs from more than fifty productions by British designer Daphne Dare (1929-2000).
- 19th Century Actors and Theater PhotographsThe 19th Century Actors and Theater Photographs database consists of over 600 photographs including cartes-de-visite and cabinet card studio portraits of entertainers, actors, and actresses who performed on the American stage in the mid- to late 1800s.
- Theatre to Cinema: Stage Pictorialism and the Early Feature FilmThe centerpiece of this collection is a reprint of Theatre to Cinema: Stage Pictorialism and the Early Feature Film, by Ben Brewster and Lea Jacobs first published by Oxford University Press in 1997. While previous accounts of the relationship between cinema and theatre have tended to assume that early filmmakers had to break away from the stage in order to establish a specific aesthetic for the new medium, Theatre to Cinema argues that the cinema turned to the pictorial, spectacular tradition of the theatre in the 1910s to establish a model for feature filmmaking.
- Historic Theater PostersThis database of late-nineteenth and early twentieth-century theatre posters represents a small portion of the holdings at the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, located on the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus. Sample posters were selected based on quality of their condition and the range of theatrical styles they advertise, from minstrel shows to Broadway premieres. Accompanying notes provide dates and locations of shows (when available) as well as minimal commentary on the playwrights and production staff. For each poster, the date, location and authorship of the poster itself is provided as well when information could be retrieved.
- Last Updated: Nov 27, 2024 3:54 PM
- URL: https://libguides.ucalgary.ca/guides/drama
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