History of Medicine
Materials from the History of Medicine Room are library use only. However, we may have duplicate circulating copies or access to digitized copies. See the collection links below listing all copies, ask us at the Service Desk, or contact us for assistance.
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- Cruse CollectionDr. Peter J.E. Cruse (Chairman, Department of Surgery 1982-1988) donated his collection to the Health Sciences Library in 1993. The Cruse family have continued to make donations in honour of Dr. Cruse.
"This collection of documents and articles relating to the history of medicine was started by the members of the Department of Surgery, the University of Calgary in May, 1988. It is in recognition of the guidance and leadership given to the department by Dr. Peter J.E. Cruse, Professor and Chairman 1982-1988."
. - LeBlanc CollectionThis collection was donated in 2015 by Dr. Frank LeBlanc. Dr. LeBlanc was the first Chief of Neurosurgery at the Foothills Medical Centre from 1974-1983.
. - Mackie Family History of Neuroscience CollectionThis collection was acquired over 40 years by Dr. Robert Gordon, a retired Neurologist and acquired by the University of Calgary in 2010.
"This collection of nearly 2500 books and journal articles spans over 350 years in the development of neuroscience and is of national and international significance. The earliest volume is Jean Fernel’s De Abditis Rerum Causis Libri Duo. Editio postrema, published in 1560 by Andream Wechel, Paris. Other highlights include Rene Descartes’s classic 1662 work, De Homine, and the rare first neurological text, Cerebri Anatome, published in 1662, written by Thomas Willis, the “Father of Neurology” and illustrated by Christopher Wren."
. - Medical History CollectionThis is the second largest collection and contains a variety of items relating to the History of Medicine.
. - Scarlett CollectionDr. E.P. Scarlett (noted Calgary physician) established a research unit and history of medicine library at the Calgary Associate Clinic. A significant part of the history of medicine books of this library was later donated to the Health Sciences Library of the University of Calgary Faculty of Medicine.
- Hathi Trust Digital Library This link opens in a new windowHathiTrust contains many fully digitized historical medical titles.As a digital repository for the nation's great research libraries, HathiTrust brings together the immense collections of partner institutions. It was initially conceived as a collaboration of the thirteen universities of the Committee on Institutional Cooperation, the University of California system, and the University of Virginia to establish a repository for those universities to archive and share their digitized collections, and quickly expanded to include additional partners with fast growing treasure of digitized collections.
- HathiTrust Online GuideConsult this guide to get the most out of HathiTrust.
- Galen and the Rhetoric of Healing by Susan P. MatternCall Number: R126 .G8 M38 2008 1. Definite Loan (Two Weeks Guaranteed) TFDL - General CollectionISBN: 9780801888359Publication Date: 2008-07-01
- History, Medicine, and the Traditions of Renaissance Learning by Nancy G. SiraisiCall Number: FULL TEXT ONLINEISBN: 9780472116027Publication Date: 2007-11-05
- History of Medicine by Teres Heffernan; Jacalyn DuffinCall Number: WZ40 .D84 2010 1. Definite Loan (Two Weeks Guaranteed) Health Sciences Library - main stacksISBN: 9780802098252Publication Date: 2010-05-29
- Medicine Transformed by Deborah Brunton (Editor)Call Number: Send this call number to your phone WZ70 .GA1 M43 2004 1. Definite Loan (Two Weeks Guaranteed) Health Sciences Library - main stacksISBN: 9780719067358Publication Date: 2004-06-24
- Protagonists of Medicine by Domenico RibattiCall Number: FULL TEXT ONLINEISBN: 9789048137428Publication Date: 2010-02-26
- Two Hippocratic Treatises on Sight and on Anatomy by Elizabeth M. CraikCall Number: Send this call number to your phone WZ290 .T8613 2006 1. Definite Loan (Two Weeks Guaranteed) Health Sciences Library - main stacksISBN: 9789004153967Publication Date: 2006-10-27
- Witches, Midwives, and Nurses by Barbara Ehrenreich; Deirdre EnglishCall Number: WZ40 .E37 2010 1. Definite Loan (Two Weeks Guaranteed) Health Sciences Library - main stacksISBN: 9781558616615Publication Date: 2010-07-01
- Morton's Medical Bibliography by Jeremy M. Norman (Editor)Call Number: WB100 .M65 1991 - Definite Loan (Two Weeks Guaranteed) - Health Sciences Library - main stacksISBN: 0859678970Publication Date: 1991-01-28
- Medical works of the fourteenth century : together with a list of plants recorded in contemporary writings, with their identifications by Henslow, GeorgeCall Number: FULL TEXT ONLINE & Z1000.5 .U538 OP24652 - Request specific issue or volume - Microfilm - Ask at Microforms (TFDL 5th floor)Publication Date: 1899
- Medical reference works, 1679-1966 : a selected bibliography by Blake, John BallardCall Number: WB100 .M43 1967 1. Definite Loan (Two Weeks Guaranteed) High Density LibraryPublication Date: 1967
- Index MedicusCall Number: OnlinePublication Date: 1879-Also available online http://catalog.hathitrust.org.ezproxy.lib.ucalgary.ca/Search/Home?adv=1&type[]=title&lookfor[]=Index+Medicus&bool[]=AND&type[]=author&lookfor[]=&bool[]=AND&type[]=title&lookfor[]=&bool[]=AND&type[]=subject&lookfor[]=&setft=true&ft=ft&yop=after&fqrange-start-publishDateTrie-1=&fqrange-end-publishDateTrie-1=&fqor-publishDateTrie[]=&submit=Search
- Index catalogue of the library of the surgeon-general's office, United States ArmyCall Number: High Density LibraryPublication Date: 1800-Available online http://catalog.hathitrust.org/Search/Home?type[]=title&lookfor[]=Index%20catalogue%20of%20the%20library%20of%20the%20surgeon-general%27s%20office%2C%20United%20States%20Army&page=1&ft=ft
- The History of women and science, health, and technology : a bibliographic guide to the professions and the disciplines by Weisbard, Phyllis HolmanCall Number: HQ1397 .H58 1993 1. Definite Loan (Two Weeks Guaranteed) High Density LibraryPublication Date: 1993Available online http://womenst.library.wisc.edu/bibliogs/hws/hws01.htm
- History of the Life Sciences. an Annotated Bibliography by Pieter Smit; Frans Verdoorn (Introduction by)Call Number: 2 copies available at University of Calgary : High Density LibraryISBN: 9061232899Publication Date: 1974-01-01
- The Cole Library of Early Medicine and Zoology : a catalogue of books and pamphlets by Eales, Nellie BarbaraCall Number: Z675 .M4 C64 PT.1 1. Definite Loan (Two Weeks Guaranteed) High Density LibraryPublication Date: 1969
- A bibliography of articles on the history of American medicine compiled from "Writings on American history" by Gilbert, Judson Bennett, 1898-1950.Call Number: WZ70 .DA1 G54 1951 1. Library Use Only Health Sciences Library - Medical History - ask at Circ.deskPublication Date: 1951
- Bibliography of the history of medicine by National Library of Medicine (U.S.)Call Number: WZ40 .B52Publication Date: 1964-1993
- Bibliography of the History of Medicine of the United States and Canada, 1939-1960 by Genevieve MillerCall Number: WZ70 .M54 1964 1.Library Use Only Health Sciences Library - Medical History - ask at Circ.deskISBN: 0801804639Publication Date: 1964-12-01
- A Catalogue of Sixteenth Century Printed Books in the National Library of Medicine by Richard J. DurlingCall Number: Z675 .M4 N36 1967 1. Library Use Only Health Sciences Library - Medical History - ask at Circ.deskISBN: 9781578981373Publication Date: 1967
- A Catalogue of Seventeenth Century Printed Books in the National Library of Medicine by Peter KrivatsyCall Number: FULL TEXT ONLINEISBN: 1578981255Publication Date: 1989
- Source Book of Medical History by Logan Clendening (Editor)Call Number: WZ40 .S67 1960 - Definite Loan (Two Weeks Guaranteed) - High Density Library - Library Use Only & Health Sciences Library-P.Cruse Collectn - ask at Circ.deskISBN: 9780844618715Publication Date: 1960
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