What is a microform?
A microform is an item reproduced in a greatly reduced format, and requiring special equipment to view or copy.
The library has collections of three different types of microforms containing historic newspapers, books, maps and other documents:
Microfilm: 35mm film with microscopic photographs
Microfiche: 3x5 or 4x6 inch film sheets
Microcard: paper cards containing printed text
How and where?
Where are the microforms located?
Microforms are located at the HDL (High Density Library). Once requested, they can be picked up at the TFDL or any branch location.
Where are the reader/scanner machines located?
2 machines on TFDL 2nd floor, near flatbed scanning station
1 machine behind TFDL 1st floor information desk
1 machine in the Archives/Special Collections Reading Room (5th floor TFDL)
1 machine at Military Museums library and archives
1 machine at the HDL (High Density Library)
How can I scan or print from microform?
Microforms can be scanned to .pdf format, or scanned to print. You can save your scanned documents on a USB device.
Printing requires a UNICARD as with other library print jobs.
- Last Updated: Oct 15, 2024 10:40 AM
- URL: https://libguides.ucalgary.ca/guides/microforms
- Print Page