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Open Course Materials Matching Service (OCoMMS)

The Open Course Materials Matching Service (OCoMMS) supports faculty and instructors to explore free and openly licensed teaching and learning materials that match the needs of their course.

OCoMMS Search Request Steps

2. The OCoMMS Support Team will curate a list of potential open educational resources for you to review and evaluate.

  • Instructors and faculty are the subject experts of their course and therefore can best judge which open resources best suit the needs of their course and students.
  • We may contact you for additional information and/or to provide updates along the way.

 3. If instructors and faculty find OER in the provided curated list that they would like to adopt, let the OCoMMS Support Team know.

  • The OCoMMS Support Team can also assist in the adoption process if needed.

4. If instructors and faculty find that the OER options provided do not suit their course, OCoMMS staff are able to continue searching for potential OER.

  • Note: The quantity and quality of open educational resources can differ by discipline, but new OER are being created all the time. So OCoMMS staff are available to working with faculty to match applicable OER over the short-term or long-term.


Open Course Materials Matching Service Licence