Mathematics & Statistics
Encyclopedias in Print
- CRC concise encyclopedia of mathematics. (2003)
- CRC encyclopedia of mathematics. (2009)
- Encyclopedia of mathematics. (2005)
- Encyclopaedia of mathematics. (1987)
- Encyclopedia of statistical sciences. (1982)
- Encyclopedic dictionary of mathematics. (1987)
- Fundamentals of mathematics. (1974)
- Units of measurement: an encyclopedic dictionary of units both scientific and popular, and the quantities they measure. (1972)
Encyclopedias Online
- Eric Weisstein’s World of Mathematics (aka MathWorld, Mathematica World)
- Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences (2nd ed. of the above print version, and supplements)
- Handbook of Statistical Genetics
- Math Forum
- Mathematics Archives
- On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences
- Mathematical Atlas
(Guide to the Mathematical Subject Classification Scheme)
In Print
- Cambridge dictionary of statistics. (1998)
- Dictionary of gaming, modeling and simulation. (1978)
- Dictionary of logical terms and symbols. (1978)
- Dictionary of Mathematics. (1999)
- Dictionary of mathematics. (1989)
- Dictionary of statistical terms, 5th ed. (1990)
- Dictionary of symbols of mathematical logic. (1969)
- Facts on file dictionary of mathematics. (1999)
- Mathematics dictionary. (1992)
- McGraw-Hill dictionary of mathematics. (2003)
Online Sources
- IATE (InterActive Terminology for Europe, formerly EuroDicAutom)
The European Commission's "multilingual term bank." A searchable multilingual dictionary whose languages include Dutch, French, German, Italian, Danish, English, Greek, Portuguese, Spanish, Finnish, Swedish, and Latin. - Mathematical programming glossary
The glossary "contains terms specific to mathematical programming, and some terms from other disciplines, notably economics, computer science, and
mathematics, that are directly related." Information on how to cite this glossary is included on the site. - Credo Reference
Online dictionaries, encyclopedias, thesauri. Mathematics coverage is limited to The Penguin Dictionary of Mathematics and a few other general dictionaries.
Handbooks & Tables
In Print
These are all available in the library. Click on the titles to see their call number and location.
- Biometrika tables for statisticians. (1966)
- CRC handbook of mathematical sciences. (1988)
- CRC standard mathematical tables and formulae. (1991 - )
- CRC standard probability and statistics tables and formulae. (1991)
- Guide to tables in mathematical statistics. (1962) (A bibliography)
- Handbook for linear regression. (1979)
- Handbook of applicable mathematics. (1980)
- Handbook of applied mathematics: selected results and methods. (1974)
- Handbook of discrete and combinatorial mathematics. (2000)
- Handbook of mathematical calculations: for science students and researchers. (1974)
- Handbook of mathematical formulas and integrals, 2nd. ed. (2000)
- Handbook of mathematical formulas, tables, functions, graphs, transforms for mathematicians, scientists, engineers. (1980)
- Handbook of mathematical functions: with formulas, graphs and tables. (1965, "Abramowitz and Stegun")
- Handbooks and tables in science and technology, 3d.ed. (1994)
- Practical handbook of genetic algorithms. (1995 - 1999)
- Standard probability and statistics tables and formulae. (2000)
- Table of integrals, series, and products. (2000)
- Table of series and products. (1975)
- Transforms and applications handbook. (1996)
- Unit conversions and formulas manual. (1980)
Online Sources
- Geometry in Action
- (formerly Dave’s Math Tables)
- Formulas & Tables
- NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions (online counterpart to "Abramowitz and Stegun")
- Last Updated: Nov 25, 2024 9:20 AM
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