English Language and Literature
How Do I...?
- Find a book in the library using a call number.
Video (2:46 minutes) from University of Arkansas Libraries
- Understand primary, secondary and tertiary sources.
Video (2:24 minutes) from Suffolk County Community College Library
- Figure out Keywords and Boolean Operators (and, or, not)
Video (3:29 minutes) from the University of Calgary Library
- Create a concept chart with keywords.
Video (3:49 minutes) from the University of Calgary Library
- Distinguish between popular magazines and peer-reviewed scholarly journals.
Video (4:46 minutes) from Lynn University
- Understand the peer-review process.
Video (3:54 minutes) from the University of Calgary Library
- Evaluate a website.
Cornell University site
- Evaluate social media.
Johns Hopkins University site.
- Become a better writer.
Website and In-Person Help (UofC Writing Centre: Effective Writing Program)
- Write effective literary criticism.
Website (Dr. Michael Ullyot, UofC)
- Write a book review.
Dalhousie University - Use the MLA Directory of Periodicals.
Video (4:03 minutes) from MLA
- Prepare an annotated bibliography MLA style.
Website (Owl at Purdue) - Cite in MLA style.
Website (Owl at Purdue)
Handout (UofC Student Success Centre)
Examples of student MLA-style winning papers
MLA Citation Template
- Cite in MLA style (advanced)
MLA Style 101 (register for free access to video; watch beginning to 27:00)
Ask the MLA (searchable Q&A)
- Avoid plagiarism.
Website (Indiana U Bloomington) Hands-on tutorial, with practical examples and self-quiz. Highly recommended.
- Manage my writing timeline.
Web Assignment Calculator (UMinnesota) Helps with preparing an assignment schedule.
Web Dissertation Calculator (UMinnesota) Helps "demystify the process of completing your dissertation or thesis."
- Last Updated: Feb 13, 2025 8:28 AM
- URL: https://libguides.ucalgary.ca/guides/english
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