English Language and Literature
Book Review Writing
Check Out Great Examples Online:
Check Out Great Examples In Print:
London Review of Books - Remember to Sign-In to your UCalgary account to Request
New York Review of Books - Remember to Sign-In to your UCalgary account to Request
Check Out These Great LibGuides:
University of Calgary: Writing Help - Writing Book/Literature Reviews
Dalhousie University Libraries: How to Write a Book Review
Book Review Sources
Standard print indexes to Book Reviews are available in the Reference Collection (1st Floor, TFDL). These are most commonly used to locate citations of book reviews for books published before the late 1990's. For books published in the last decade or so, some databases provide acces to citations or full-text.
Book Review Index: Z1035 .A1 B64 - covers 1965 to the present. Provides citations only.
Book Review Digest: Z1219 .B6 - covers 1905 to the present. Provides short excerpts of book reviews.
Canadian Periodical Index: AI3 .C3 - Look under heading "Book reviews". Also available electronically (see below).
ONLINE Book Review Source
RESEARCH DATABASES (English Literature)
For current or historical book reviews, select an appropriate online newspaper. (limit to "Book Review" and date range; use author name and/or book title for keywords)
British Fiction 1800-1829: A Database of Production, Circulation & Reception (select "Review" to limit search)
This is a list of general academic databases that offer access to book reviews. Use the "limit" feature when searching to select only publications that are Book Reviews.
- Academic Search Complete (EBSCO) This link opens in a new windowUse the "source type" filter on the left hand side of the results pane to filter to the appropriate type of review.Academic Search Complete provides a comprehensive scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database, with more than 5,500 full-text periodicals, including more than 4,600 peer-reviewed journals. In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 9,500 journals and a total of more than 10,000 publications including monographs, reports, conference proceedings, etc.
- Canadian business & current affairs database This link opens in a new windowUse Advanced Search and limit document type to "Review"Canadian Business & Current Affairs Database combines full text and indexed content from all four subsets (Business, Current Events, Education, and Reference). Content comes from a broad range of Canadian sources and includes millions of full-text articles and records from 1933 to current, providing an ideal research environment for those interested in Canadian current events, business, science and technology, medical, humanities and the arts, and hundreds of topics.
- Gale OneFile. CPI.Q (Canadian periodicals) This link opens in a new windowUse Advanced Search and limit document type to "Book Review"Gale OneFile: CPI.Q, the award-winning electronic version of the Canadian Periodical Index, provides the most-requested Canadian reference information available. It includes more than 1,300 Canadian periodicals (more than 700 full text), a multilingual interface, indexing from 1980 forward, and full-text articles from 1983 forward. This vast collection is fully integrated, enabling users to search the entire database with a single query. It yields a variety of relevant periodical articles, biographies, company profiles, historical documents, science and technology essays, and much more. Exclusive features, including Topic Finder, InterLink, and a mobile-optimized interface, support and enhance the search experience.
- JSTOR This link opens in a new windowUse Advanced Search and limit to "Review"JSTOR is a shared digital library which includes over 2,300 academic journals (dating back to the first volume ever published), along with thousands of monographs and other materials relevant for education. JSTOR also includes articles in the public domain, including Early Journal Content (U.S. content published before 1923 and non-U.S. content published prior to 1870).
- Last Updated: Feb 13, 2025 8:28 AM
- URL: https://libguides.ucalgary.ca/guides/english
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