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Media Creation Resources

Providing support for exploration and creation of new media forms such as animation, soundscapes, graphics design and digital video

Microphone Tips and Tricks

  1. Get comfortable before you start recording: the microphone can pick up the sound of the chair moving around and you shuffling in your seat, and this can be distracting to listeners.
  2. Some people like to stretch first to make their voices sound livelier, but this is optional. You can stretch your jaw from side to side or smile really wide before beginning your recording.
  3. Don’t shout or whisper. The microphone is sensitive enough to pick up the audio without you straining your voice.
  4. Eat an apple before you head in to moisturize your mouth and get rid of any stuffiness in your nose. Similarly, avoid dairy and coffee as they can dry out your mouth and make lip smacks more audible to the microphone.
  5. Try to avoid uptalking, which is when you end your sentences with a rising inflection as though they were questions. It’s a common habit when you’re nervous and a thing to be very conscious of when you’re recording alone.
  6. Ideally you want to be about a fist length away from the microphone, but when recording an interview sit however close to the other person is comfortable. Ensure the microphone is in between you, about an equal distance away from both people in the room.
  7. Use just 1 microphone when interviewing, even between multiple people. It makes it easier to edit later and reduces the chances of one person coming through louder than the other.