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Media Creation Resources

Providing support for exploration and creation of new media forms such as animation, soundscapes, graphics design and digital video



The A/V Edit Suites are set up to facilitate recording and editing of audio-visual formats such as audio recordings, music, film editing, oral history interviews, etc. They are all sound dampened and equipped with Mac Studio computers and the latest Mac OS.

Editing Suite Access

A short orientation and quiz is required for access.  After a successful quiz result, bring your photo ID and quiz result to the Navigator desk at the TFDL main floor service desk.  Suites can be accessed Monday-Friday 10am-6pm and on weekends from 10am-4pm.

Bookings can be made online at:




All A/V Edit Suites contain a midi keyboard, Sennheiser MK4 Condenser Microphone, and standard A/V recording and editing software.

The suites contain identical recording equipment, but suite 340A contains a USB switch that allows the user to connect and record the microphone to their own device. Suites 340B, 340C and 340D can only record to the provided Mac Studio computer.

Please note that the A/V suites have a strict 2 person limit due to restrictions on space and furniture.


Mac Studio computer, Yamaha 6.5 inch Reference Speakers, M-Audio M-Track Eight 8-Channel USB 2.0 Audio Interface, ART Pro Audio Channel Vactrol/Tube Leveler Compressor, Arturia 61 Note Keyboard, Korg nanoKONTROL Studio Mobile MIDI Controller, ART Pro Audio Professional Studio Mic Preamp II, Sennheiser MK4 Condenser Microphone.




Logic Pro X, Audacity, GarageBand, Adobe Creative Cloud 2019, FinalCut Express, Premier Pro, Adobe Audition, Microsoft Office 2016, Google Chrome, etc.