High Density Library
What is stored at the HDL?
Less-frequently used library material is stored in the humidity and temperature-controlled facility.
Books between 10 - 15 years old that have not circulated since 2005.
All books older than 15 years with the exception of those books in the following subject areas that have circulated since 2005: Canadian History or Literature, European History, Music, Classics, American Literature, English Literature.
Duplicate copies of books will go to the HDL regardless of date.
Back issues of journals older than 10 years.
All issues of ceased or cancelled journal subscriptions. This includes print journal subscriptions that have been cancelled as they became available online.
Over the next 12 months materials from Library and Cultural Resources’ archival and museum collections will also be added to the High Density Library. The HDL has an art storage unit with environmental control s geared specifically for the storage and preservation of art objects.
- Last Updated: Dec 2, 2019 7:58 AM
- URL: https://libguides.ucalgary.ca/guides/hdl
- Print Page