Nursing - Term 3 Resources
Reflective Writing Resources
Learning journals: a handbook for reflective practice and professional development
Jennifer Moon. 2006
A handbook of reflective and experiential learning: theory and practice
Jennifer Moon. 2004.
Transformation through journal writing: the art of self-reflection for the helping professions
Jane Wood. 2013
Me-search and re-search: a guide for writing scholarly personal narrative manuscripts.
Nash, Robert J. 2011
Guided reflection: a narrative approach to advancing professional practice
Johns, Christopher (2010)
Print Books:
COVID-19: The Taylor Family Digital Library and all branches are now closed until further notice.Unfortunately print books are not available at this time.
Ghaye, Tony. (2012) Empowerment through reflection: A guide for practitioners and healthcare teams. London, Quay Books.
WY87 .E55 2012 Health Sciences Library
Sherwood, Gwen. (2012) Reflective practice: Transforming education and improving outcomes. Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau International.
WY16.1 S554 2012 Health Sciences Library
Ghaye, Tony. (2011) When caring is not enough: Examples of reflection in practice. London, Quay Books.
WY86 .W567 2011 Health Sciences Library
Johns, Christoper (2010) Guided reflection: A narrative approach to advancing professional practice. Chichester, West Sussex, Wiley-Blackwell.
WY86 .J633 2010 Health Sciences Library
Johns, Christoper (2004) Becoming a reflective practitioner. Oxford, Blackwell.
WY86 .J63 2004 Heath Sciences Library
Lyons, Nona (2009)
Handbook of reflection and reflective inquiry: mapping a way of knowing for professional reflective inquiry. New York, Springer.|
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