LAW Foreign Cases and Decisions
This guide is intended to help researchers locate the cases and decisions of foreign jurisdictions.
Legal Information Institutes (LIIs)
LIIs are one of the best places to look for legislation, court decisions and other primary legal materials. Legal materials are available at various LII websites for particular countries or groups of countries:
- World Legal Information Institute (WorldLII)Free, independent and non-profit access to worldwide law
- Commonwealth Legal Information Insitute (CommonLII)Free access to Commonwealth and Common Law
- Pacific Islands Legal Information InstituteA facility of the University of the South Pacific Faculty of Law
- Asian Legal Information InsituteFree access to Asian Law
- Southern African Legal Information Institute (SAFLII)Legal information for free public access which comprises mainly of case law and legislation from South Africa. SAFLII also hosts legal materials from other countries in the region which are obtained through partnerships, collaborative efforts and more recently through linking to other Legal Information Institutes established in these regions.
- Hong Kong Legal Information Institute (HKLII)Free access to legal information in Hong Kong
Other sources for cases and decisions
These are selected websites of major compilations on the internet:
- Global CourtsLinks to Supreme Court decisions from 129 countries.
- Institute for Transnational LawUniversity of Texas Foreign Law Translations
- RefLaw - Refugee Law ProjectUniversity of Michigan Law School
- Famous TrialsUniversity of Missouri School of Law
- Irish Law SiteKey resources hosted by University College Cork Law Faculty
- PolitySouth Africa
- European Court of Human RightsThe European Union and a community of 47 European states have entered into a legal undertaking to agree to supervision by the European Court of Human Rights.
- Westlaw Canada(U of C access only) Click on the International tab and select jurisdiction.Westlaw includes nearly 15,000 databases and over 700 full text law reviews.
- Westlaw Edge (UofC Law School only)WestlawNext includes nearly 15,000 databases and over 700 full text law reviews.
- LovdataFor Norway caselaw
Secondary Sources
Under the Home tab are further suggestions for conducting foreign legal research.
- Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals This link opens in a new windowThe Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals, produced by The American Association of Law Libraries, provides access to legal literature worldwide, covering all forms of foreign (non-Anglo-American) law. This includes comparative law and legal systems, such as Islamic law; socialist law; public and private international law; and transnational commercial law. The data is not limited by country of publication, but rather type of publication. Thus, while publications concerning British and American law are not included, British and American publications concerning foreign law are included. Coverage begins with 1985, digitized version of print edition available back to 1960.
- LLMC DigitalLLMC Digital is a project of the Law Library Microform Consortium, a law-library-based, non-profit, cooperative dedicated to the twin goals of preserving legal titles and government documents. It is a database of fulltext legal materials for a variety of jurisdictions: U.S., U.K., Canada, Australia, South Africa, etc. It includes historical legal materials such as case reports, administrative decisions, statutes, regulations and texts or treatises.
- Last Updated: Oct 7, 2024 11:42 AM
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