Library Resources for Graduate Students
This guide presents library resources, services, and programs that may be of interest to graduate students
Academic Publishing Demystified
- Academic Publishing DemystifiedThis guide was developed by a collaborative team and was based on the results of focus groups with grad students and faculty mentors. It will help you learn about the academic publishing process.
Publishing, Open Access, Author Identity and Impact
- Scholarly Communication GuideScholarly communication can be defined as the system through which research and other scholarly writings are created, evaluated for quality, disseminated to the scholarly community, and preserved for future use. The guide provides resources to help the University of Calgary research community navigate the scholarly communication ecosystem.
Topics covered in this guide include:
- Where to publish
- Author rights
- Open access
- Predatory publishers and conferences
- Promoting your work
- Manage Your Research Identity and Track Your Impact GuideResearch identity is important, and it is never too early to start thinking about it. The Manage your research identity and track your impact guide describes how to build a researcher identity online through the use of unique IDs and social media profiles. It also describes online tools for tracking the impact of your research.
Topics covered in this guide include:
- Author IDs
- Impact metrics
- Altmetrics
- Social networks for researchers
- Institutional use of metrics
Sharing your work in a repository
- PRISMPRISM is University of Calgary's Digital Repository. It collects, preserves and disseminates the academic works of faculty and students. The PRISM guide covers how to search and submit to PRISM.
- DataverseDataverse is a place to store and share research data. Dataverse accepts multiple formats of data including tabular, text and images and will accept up to 2.5 GB of data per individual.
- Other Data RepositoriesThe data repositories page of the Research Data Management guide highlights other external repositories that exist. The list includes multidisciplinary as well as discipline-specific data repositories.
- Last Updated: Sep 17, 2024 10:06 AM
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