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NURS485 - Fall 2022

This guide will provide strategies and suggestions for finding articles ABOUT a research methodology

Finding Articles About Research in Medline

Finding articles ABOUT a research design/method in Medline

  1. Copy and paste most relevant subject heading (listed below) into the Medline search line. 
  2. Then search your chosen method only in the title
  3. Combine the search lines

Alternatively, type in the search line:
as topic.hw.

This will search all of the possible subject headings at the same time.

If you retrieve too many results, you can add the following to the search:

Epidemiologic Research Design/ or Research Design/

You can also choose a specific research design from the list below if one matches your study design.

Again, copy and paste the subject heading into the search line in Medline.

Subject Headings About a Research Design

Controlled Clinical Trials as Topic/

Clinical Trials as Topic/

Clinical Studies as Topic/

Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic/

Non-randomized controlled trials as topic/

Single-Case Studies as Topic/

Observational Studies as Topic/

Multicenter Studies as Topic/

Evaluation Studies as Topic/

Systematic reviews as topic/