Artificial Intelligence
Featured UCalgary Library Books
- Algorithms to live by : the computer science of human decisions by Brian ChristianISBN: 0670068314Publication Date: 2016
- Competing in the Age of AI by Marco Iansiti; Karim R. LakhaniISBN: 9781633697621Publication Date: 2020-01-07
- The creativity code : how AI is learning to write, paint and think by Marcus Du SautoyISBN: 9780008288167Publication Date: 2019
- Data Feminism by Catherine D'Ignazio; Lauren F. KleinISBN: 9780262358521Publication Date: 2020-02-21
- Ethics of Artificial Intelligence by S. Matthew Liao (Editor)ISBN: 9780190905040Publication Date: 2020-09-01
Databases for Artificial Intelligence Research
UCalgary Libraries & Cultural Resources Search Box
A collection of books, articles, and further resources easily available through your UCalgary Campus Wide login.
ACM Digital Library (Association for Computing Machinery)
ACM Digital Library is a quarterly peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the Association for Computing Machinery. It publishes survey articles and tutorials related to computer science and computing.
Project Euclid
Project Euclid is a user-centered initiative to create an environment for the effective and affordable distribution of serial literature in mathematics and statistics. Project Euclid is designed to address the unique needs of independent and society journals through a collaborative partnership with scholarly publishers, professional societies, and universities.
Scopus | Tutorial
Scopus is a comprehensive interdisciplinary database that includes over 18,000 journals.
Web of Science | Tutorial
Provides access to over 8700 journals from various disciplines from 1900-.
Artificial Intelligence Research Guides
Many colleges and universities have created their own research guides and support pages on artificial intelligence, much like this guide. These can have resources to continue your research into artificial intelligence. Explore their research guides below:
Artificial Intelligence in Teaching & Learning (University of Toronto)
Artificial Intelligence Research Guide (Mount Royal University)
ChatGPT & Artificial Intelligence Research Guide (Centennial College)
ChatGPT & Generative AI in the Classroom (University of Toronto)
Artificial Intelligence and Plagiarism (Partnership on University Plagiarism Prevention)
Search Terms for Artificial Intelligence Research
Below is a non-exhaustive list of terms used to search for Artificial Intelligence in databases:
“Artificial Intelligence” or AI
Chatbots or bots
“Cognitive science”
“Machine learning”
“Deep learning”
“Image recognition”
“Computer vision”
“Natural Language Processing” or “NLP”
“Neural Network*”
“Semantic Analysis”
“Supervised Learning” or “Unsupervised Learning
“Chat-based generative pre-trained transformer” or ChatGPT
“Critical AI” or “Critical Artificial Intelligence”
“Training Data”
“Intelligent Tutoring Systems”
“Interpretable Machine Learning” or IML
“Computer Heuristics”
“Expert System*”
“Facial Recognition”
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