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Libraries & Cultural Resources COVID-19 Update

At this time, priority for our collections, spaces and services is reserved for University of Calgary students, staff and faculty.


Temporary Accommodations Effective [April 15, 2020] – April 30, 2022

  1. Field of Study (FoS) students should be prioritized for access to Libraries and Cultural Resources (LCR) materials.
  2. Students are responsible for locating and requesting UofC materials for their FoS examinations through the Library system. Please use the LCR Intake Form (accessed here: in order to alert LCR of the materials required that may not be held by UofC. Some resources will only be available electronically. LCR will work with FoS students to supply them with required physical resources, where possible. LCR will attempt to source required materials that are not in the collection; however some may not be accessible – consequently, there will be materials on which students simply cannot be examined.
  3. Programmes that prescribe a range for the number of materials instead of a prescribed number, may consider adopting the lower possible number of required materials.
  4. Bibliographies required for upcoming FoS exams should be sent to LCR with additional time (and prior notice, if possible) to account for delays in sourcing materials and to minimize pressure on LCR staff. When possible, bibliographies should be sent to LCR well in advance of the examination period. In this case, a student’s supervisor may send a provisional FoS bibliography to LCR, and then follow it up with the final examinable list (each version must be numbered and dated). Bibliographies are to be sent to
  5. Once the student has completed and submitted the LCR Intake Form, LCR will notify the supervisor and student within 1 week if any of the required materials are not available. If LCR identifies any materials as not available, they should be removed from the FoS bibliography and substitute materials, if available, should be identified by the supervisor/supervisory committee. Students must be informed in writing (via email) of the final list of materials on which they will be examined. Materials that are not available to students may not be examined. In all cases, examiners and neutral chairs must be informed of what is in/out of bounds for the exam.
  6. Wherever possible, every effort must be made to ensure students are not delayed in their admission to candidacy, should they wish to proceed with their FoS exam. Students can choose to delay, but supervisors/supervisory committees/programs cannot choose for them or put them in a precarious position that forces a delay in the candidacy process.
  7. Materials in the UC Collections – Students can now request physical items for pickup from the collection themselves. Search for your items in the search box at Make sure you choose UofC Collections in the drop down menu at the top of your results page. Select the item you want and sign-in for more options. You will then be able to request the item. The default pickup location is the Taylor Family Digital Library. Please do not come to collect your items until you receive an email from us telling you that it is available for pickup. For information on how to request and recall University of Calgary Library materials, please review
  8. Materials in UC Collection that are currently signed out can now be recalled.

Additional LCR resources for students and supervisors: