This guide provides selected resources available to you through UCalgary Library and beyond
The University of Calgary's music collection includes physical materials, largely located on the third & fifth floor of the Taylor Family Digital Library (TFDL), digital materials accessed via our catalogue and databases, and relevant material in Archives and Special Collections. Resources include audio recordings (Streaming, CD's, LP's,etc.), videos, books, periodicals, printed & digital scores, as well as loanable recording technology and A/V recording/editing suties at TFDL. For specific questions, contact librarian Laura Reid.
Key Resources
- Grove Music OnlineWith over 60,000 articles written by over 6,000 music scholars, Grove Music Online (GMO) is the authoritative resource for music research
- The Oxford Dictionary of MusicWith over 10,000 entries, the Oxford Dictionary of Music offers broad coverage of a wide range of musical categories spanning many eras, including composers, librettists, singers, orchestras, important ballets and operas, and musical instruments and their history.
- Music Periodicals Database (formerly International Index to Music Periodicals - IIMP and IIMP Full Text)Music Periodicals Database contains over 2.4 million records, including detailed abstracts and full text access. A comprehensive range of music subjects and genres are covered in scholarly and popular periodicals from 1874 to current titles, updated monthly.
- RILM abstracts of music literatureProvides broad international coverage of Western and Eastern classical, pop, folk, and jazz music, as well as interdisciplinary studies on music, including records in over 202 languages from 3,700 journals.
- Music online - ListeningMusic Online: Listening is a multidisciplinary collection of audiovisual content: over 15 million tracks from over 500 producers and distributors around the world. Create specific searches, save or browse by collection, subject, performers and ensembles.
The Taylor Family Digital Library
Music Scores are located on the 3rd Floor of the TFDL. | Music CDs & LPs are located on the 3rd Floor of the TFDL. Music Streaming is online available. | Music Literature is located on the 5th Floor of the TFDL. |
- Last Updated: Sep 3, 2024 2:56 PM
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