Submit multiple items (files and accompanying metadata) to PRISM without using the Submission Form.
- Collect metadata (manually from a CV, database export, or bibliographic software export)
- Manual entry into the PRISM metadata template
- Field mapping to the PRISM template for common exports
- Supplement and clean
- Final checks
- Send files to
1. a) PRISM metadata template
The .csv import file, used in this bulk process, must be formatted a specific way. Download the prism_metadata_template.csv file and the prism_metadata_guidelines.pdf to get started on a batch submission.
After preparing the .csv import file, your data will be arranged in rows. Each row creates one new record in PRISM. Data in each row is present as comma-separated values. Each column value adds data to a specific PRISM field. At a minimum the filename, Title, Author(s) , and Year fields are required. Other fields can be left blank or removed as necessary.
Need help with the templates?
Contact us at
1. b) Common export field mapping
PRISM field | Web of Science | Scopus |
Title (dc.title) | TI | Title |
Authors ( | AF(; delimited) or BF(; delimited) | Authors(, delimited) |
Abstract (dc.description.abstract) | AB | Abstract |
Subject Keywords (dc.subject) | DE(; delimited) | Author Keywords or Index Keywords |
Date ( | PY | Year |
Publisher (dc.publisher) | PU | Publisher |
ISBN (dc.identifier.isbn) | BN | ISBN |
ISSN (dc.identifier.issn) | SN or EI | ISSN |
Other Identifier (dc.identifier.other) | PM (pubmed ID) | PubMed ID |
DOI Identifier (dc.identifier.doi) | DI | DOI |
Type (dc.type) | DT | Document Type |
Language (dc.language.iso) | LA (2 letter code) | Language of Original Document |
Granting Agency (dc.description.grantingagency) | FU(; delimited) | Funding Sponsor |
Grant Number (dc.identifier.grantnumber) | Funding Number |
2. Supplementing and cleaning
If data was copy/pasted or exported from a database, it will likely need to be supplemented and cleaned. This means filling in missing information or reformatting. For example, include your faculty and department information or convert names to a Lastname, Firstname format.
Cleaning can be done manually, in Excel, or using other data tools such as Open Refine.
Common things to check:
- Names - PRISM requires names in LastName, Firstname format
- Dates - PRISM requires YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM, or YYYY format
- Delimiters - PRISM requires multiple entries to be pipe "||" delimited
For example Subject Keywords: mountain glacier||hydrology
Other systems may use different delimiters for Author, Subject, and Granting Agency fields. These need to be changed to a double pipe "||" so PRISM can understand them correctly.
3. Before you submit
Do you have copyright permission?
Published works:
Review publishing contract, a journal’s policy on self-archiving, check SHERPA/RoMEO (see our FAQ for details), or try Open Access Button's Permission Checker to confirm the following:
- Article version - (FAQ)
- Embargo period - PRISM submissions can comply with embargo dates.
- Other requirements – (i.e. link to official version on publisher website, specific copyright statement)
If self-archiving in a repository is not allowed, or the conditions are unclear, contact the publisher directly to obtain appropriate distribution permissions.
Unpublished works:
You can submit unpublished works to PRISM (including Pre-prints /Author submitted manuscripts, working papers, etc.). However, ensure this will not conflict with any first publication exclusivity agreements you enter into.
Please ensure you have permission from any co-authors, co-creators, or other copyright holders before submitting to PRISM.
Need help investigating copyright permissions? Contact us.
Do you have the correct files?
Before sending in your bulk PRISM submission make sure you have the permitted version (see first bullet point in Part 1 above!).
4. Send files
Package your .csv import file and all associated files (aka bitsreams) into a ZIP folder. Please name the .csv import file and ZIP folder in the following format: YYYMMDD_YourLastName_PRISM_bulk.csv
University of Calgary users with access to OneDrive can share OneDrive files and folders with Alternatively, Contact us with your ZIP or to arrange another method of transfer for ZIPs larger than 50MB.
- Last Updated: Apr 27, 2023 2:24 PM
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