Peer Mentorship and Mental Wellbeing
Peer Mentorship: Theory and Research
Mentorship has the power to build a positive and supportive network and provide opportunities to succeed in your career. This page will help you understand theoretical and empirical approaches to mentorship and peer mentorship in the academic literature.
Click here to watch Shauna Schechtel, a former graduate student in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Calgary, share her experiences with peer mentorship. Video courtesy of Shauna Schechtel.
These resources have been selected to help you:
- Identify best-practice for mentorship and peer mentorship;
- Find academic sources that support the benefits of peer mentorship and strategies to mitigate challenges.
Allen, T. D., & Eby, L. T. (2007). The Blackwell handbook of mentoring : A multiple perspectives approach. Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub |
Mullen, C. (2005). Mentorship primer (Peter Lang primer). New York: P. Lang. |
Fleck, C., Mullins, M. E. (2018). Evaluating a psychology graduate student peer mentoring program. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning 20(2), 271-290.
Fugate, G. A., Jaramillo, P. A., Preuhs, R. R. (2001). Graduate students mentoring graduate students: a model for professional development. Political Science and Politics, 34(1): 132-133.
Lorenzetti, D. L., Shipton, L., Nowell, L., Jacobsen, M., Lorenzetti, L., Clancy, T., & Paolucci, E. O. (2019). A systematic review of graduate student peer mentorship in academia. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 27(5), 549-576.
Menzies, J. L., Baron, R., & Zutshi, A. (2015). Transitional experiences of international postgraduate students utilising a peer mentor programme. Educational Research, 57(4), 403-419.
Murdock, J. L., Stipanovic, N., & Lucas, K. (2013). Fostering connections between graduate students and strengthening professional identity through co-mentoring. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 41(5), 487-503.
Preston, J. P., Ogenchuk, M. J., Nsiah, J. K. (2014). Peer mentorship and transformational learning: PhD student experiences. Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 44(1): 52-68.
Beltman, S., & Schaeben, M. (2012). Institution-wide peer mentoring: Benefits for mentors. The International Journal of the First Year in Higher Education, 3(2), 33-44.
Lunsford, L. G., & Baker, V. (2016). Great mentoring in graduate school: A quick start guide for protégés.
Williams-Nickelson, C. (2007). The benefits of peer mentoring.
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