Physics & Astronomy
List of U of C Databases
Try These Databases First e-Print Archive | Help
This was formerly the LANL (Los Alamos National Laboratory) e-print archive. It includes electronic preprints in the areas of physics, math, non-linear sciences and computer science. Some full-text articles are available. Coverage: 1991 - present.
Scopus | Tutorial
Scopus is a comprehensive interdisciplinary database that includes over 18,000 journals.
Web of Science
Indexes all subject areas and provides citation searching or links from a known reference to papers that cite it. Coverage: 1975 - present.
Google Scholar
Easy access to the peer-reviewed literature in Physics & Astronomy
Other Physics & Astronomy Databases
Institute of Physics (IOP) Electronic Journals
Electronic access to IOP journals.Coverage varies.
PROLA (Physical Review Online Archive)
The American Physical Society's Physical Review Online Archive. Contains all APS journal material since 1893.
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