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Physics & Astronomy

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To find a book or journal in the library use the Library homepage search.

  • For a physical book, then note the call number, and use the Call Number Locations list (below) to find the library/floor that the book is on.


Students, Faculty and Staff can recommend a Book for purchase by filling in a Recommendation Form.

Borrow books we don't have

University of Calgary students, faculty and staff can obtain books, copies of journals articles and other documents not held in the the U of C Library through our Interlibrary Loan service.  

Call number locations

Complete Guide to U of C Library Book and Journal Locations


Physics & Astronomy Locations

Call Number Location
QB Astronomy Taylor General Collection - 6th Floor TFDL
QC Physics Taylor General Collection - 6th Floor TFDL
QE Geology Gallagher Library (Earth Sciences building)