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The archaeology collection at the University of Calgary supports the teaching and research needs of the B.A. and M.A.and PhD programs at the University of Calgary. It also supports research requirements from many related disciplines.

Locating Book Reviews

Core sources for Archaeology are:   Reviews in Anthropology   and JSTOR  - use advanced feature; then limit to "review" 


Other sources include:
  • America: History and Life - covers the world's scholarly literature on the history and culture of the United States and Canada from prehistoric times to the present. Hint:  Select "Review" from the Publication Type search option.
  • ATLA Religion Database - major index to books and articles on religious studies. Hint: Select "Review" from the Publication Type search option.
  • Canadian Periodical Index - good source if book was published Canada. Hint: Enter book title and then limit results to "book reviews"
  • CBCA (Canadian Business and Current Affairs) - good source if book was published in Canada Hint: limit your search to Document Type "review"
  • Project Muse - search for the book title, then modify search and search for "review" in title
  • Periodicals Archive Online - international index to thousands of periodicals in the humanities and social sciences. Coverage is from the first issues(back to the 1700's) to 2005.   Hint: Limit "Document Type" to review.
  • Web of Science - indexes more than 84 anthropology/archaeology journals  Hint : Go to Advanced Search and  select document type "Book Review"

How to Write a Book Review