LAW Self-help information sources for non-lawyers
This guide is intended to lead members of the public who are not lawyers to information that they may find useful in solving legal problems or answering questions about the law.
Sources of Legal Services and Assistance
Several of the following organizations provide legal assistance to those with a limited income.
- Calgary Legal GuidanceCalgary Legal Guidance provides legal information and advice to low-income people who cannot afford a lawyer and don’t qualify for Legal Aid.
- Elizabeth Fry Society of CalgaryThe Elizabeth Fry Society of Calgary (EFry) offers Pathways to Healing for women in conflict, or at risk of being in conflict, with the law by providing opportunities through supports and advocacy.
- Family Law InformationInformation for clients who have a family law legal problem and who have qualified for services through Legal Aid Alberta.
- Legal Aid AlbertaInnovative and cost effective legal services for Albertans in need.
- Native Counselling Services of AlbertaNative Counselling Services of Alberta (NCSA) was established in 1970 with the objective of providing Courtworker assistance to Aboriginal people in conflict with the law.
- Pro Bono Law Alberta (PBLA)Pro Bono Law Alberta is a charitable organization that promotes access to justice in Alberta by creating and promoting opportunities for lawyers to provide pro bono (free) legal services to persons of limited means.
- Student Legal Assistance (Calgary)Legal assistance and representation for those who are unable to afford the services of a lawyer.
- LegalAveLegalAve brings together existing public legal information that is available through various sources such as non-profit, governmental, and some private organizations. In this way, you have a starting point to deal with your family law issues.
Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Services
- ADR Institute of CanadaADR Canada is a national non-profit organization that provides national leadership in the development and promotion of dispute resolution services in Canada and internationally.
- Alberta Family Mediation SocietyMediation is a family-centered conflict resolution process in which an impartial third party (the mediator) helps the participants in negotiating a consensual, informed, and fair agreement. Decision-making rests with the parties throughout. The mediator assists the parties in identifying issues and information needs, reducing obstacles to communication, exploring alternatives, and focusing on the needs and interests of those who it is agreed are affected.
- Community Mediation Calgary SocietyCommunity Mediation Calgary Society (CMCS) is a charitable not-for-profit organization of volunteers who provide conflict management and dispute resolution information and assistance through workshops and third-party collaborative services to neighbors, community associations and not-for-profit groups.
- Residential Tenancy Dispute Resolution Service (RTDRS)Offers landlords and tenants an alternative means of resolving serious disputes outside of court.
- Association of Collaborative Lawyers of AlbertaHelps separating and divorcing couples maintain dignity and respect throughout their post-separation transition, including: providing information about the Collaborative Divorce process; finding out how to get started; and finding a professional in your area.
- Law Society of AlbertaInformation to guide you in finding and working with a lawyer. Contains a guide to how the legal process works and how to find a lawyer who will help you.
- Last Updated: Sep 3, 2024 2:44 PM
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