Centre for Career and Personal Development Degree Profiles
- Centre for Career and Personal Development Degree Profiles
- Faculty of Arts
- Ancient & Medieval History
- Anthropology
- Archaeology
- Art/Art History
- Canadian Studies
- Communication and Media Studies
- Dance
- Drama
- Earth Science
- East Asian Language Studies
- East Asian Studies
- Economics
- English
- Film Studies
- French
- Gender and Sexuality Studies
- Geography
- German
- Global Development Studies
- Greek & Roman Studies
- History
- International Indigenous Studies
- International Relations
- Italian Studies
- Latin American Studies
- Law & Society
- Linguistics
- Music
- Philosophy
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Religious Studies
- Sociology
- Spanish
- Urban Studies
- Visual Studies
- Faculty of ScienceToggle Dropdown
- Faculty of Education
- Faculty of Kinesiology
- Faculty of Nursing
- Faculty of Social Work
- Haskayne School of BusinessToggle Dropdown
- Accounting
- Business Analytics
- Business Technology Management
- Energy Management
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- Finance
- General Business
- International Business
- Marketing
- Operations Management
- Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources
- Petroleum Land Management
- Real Estate
- Risk Management Insurance
- Risk Management Insurance & Finance
- Supply Chain Management
- Schulich School of EngineeringToggle Dropdown
- Cumming School of MedicineToggle Dropdown
- School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape
- Certificate in Sustainability Studies
- Our Services This link opens in a new window
- Contact This link opens in a new window
Archaeologists examine material remains to understand past human life and cultural activities. This program will give you a solid understanding of how to research, excavate and scientifically analyze cultural remains gleaned from sites.
Key Skills & Knowledge
Research - Statistical population sampling; Statistical analysis; Accurate data collection; Make detailed observations; Qualitative, quantitative and survey research
Communication - Gather & disseminate information; for reports and for educational resources as well as presentations for diverse audiences; Write both descriptive and analytical reports
Organizational - Project management; Collection and cataloging of individual, cultural and historical information and data
Field work - Field work techniques to uncover, study and preserve physical evidence and information; Work in remote locations, in small groups, in hazardous conditions and with limited access to technology
Analytical - Symbolic understanding and interpretation; Synthesize complex information
Critical thinking - Understand past events to better understand culture and society; Interpret/evaluate events, information and ideas representing the past; Basic understanding of human evolution & genetics
Cultural awareness - Sensitivity and appreciation of cultures, particularly First Nations Strong professional ethics demonstrated through respect of the heritage of the people you study
Sample Job Titles
Please note some of these positions may require further training, certification or education. Check out the occupational profiles to review the full details for the occupations that interest you at alis.alberta.ca/occinfo
- Archaeobotany/Paleobotanist
- Archaeological Assistant/Technician
- Archaeologist (experimental, contract,
historical, landscape, maritime,
medieval, nautical, underwater,
zoo) - Archaeometrist
- Archivist/Archivist Assistant
- Artifact Preservationist/Conservator
- Curator
- Educator/Teacher/Professor
- Instructor
- Guide
- Heritage Assistant
- Impact Analyst
- Indigenous Liaison
- Librarian
- Museum Exhibit Director/Exhibit Assistant
- Museum Technician
- Parks Educational Program Director
- Traditional Land Use Analyst
- Volunteer Coordinator
- Writer
Potential Industries
- Cultural Resource
- Management
- Education
- Environment Consulting
- Excavations
- Forts & Interpretive
- Centres
- Government
- Health Care
- Heritage Planning
- Historic Parks
- Libraries/Archives
- Market Research
- Museums
- Post-Secondary
- Research
Associations & Professional Development
- Alberta Museums Association
- Archives Society of Alberta
- Association of Canadian Archivists
- British Columbia Museum Association
- Canadian Archaeological Association
- Canadian Association of Palynologists
- Canadian Association of Physical Anthropology
- Canadian Museums Association
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
- Society for American Archaeology
- Society of Historical Archaeology
- Society of Industrial Archaeology
- National Trust for Canada
more resources
Did you know?
Formal Career Assessments like the Strong Interest Inventory and the Myers Briggs Type Indicator can be helpful tools for your career development. These assessments have been used for decades to help individuals choose a major, explore career options during and upon completion of a degree and to further understand yourself in relationship to the world of work. Inquire with Career Services if you are interested in these formal assessments.
- Archeology by FergusonISBN: 9780816080229Publication Date: 2010-11-01
- Careers for Environmental Types and Others Who Respect the Earth by Michael Fasulo; Jane KinneyISBN: 9780658016486Publication Date: 2001-10-02
- Museum Careers by N. Elizabeth SchlatterISBN: 9781598740431Publication Date: 2008-05-31
Key Contacts
Faculty Contact
Arts Students' Centre
Social Sciences Building, SS102
T: 403.220-6318
E: ascarts@ucalgary.ca
W: arts.ucalgary.ca/advising
Clubs on Campus:
Chacmool Archaeology Association
Centre for Career and Personal Development
MacEwan Student Centre, Room 188
T: 403.220.8020
E: csstdnt@ucalgary.ca
W: https://www.ucalgary.ca/career-personal-development
- Last Updated: Jul 12, 2024 1:53 PM
- URL: https://libguides.ucalgary.ca/guides/CCPD/degree-profiles
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