Centre for Career and Personal Development Degree Profiles
- Centre for Career and Personal Development Degree Profiles
- Faculty of ArtsToggle Dropdown
- Ancient & Medieval History
- Anthropology
- Archaeology
- Art/Art History
- Canadian Studies
- Communication and Media Studies
- Dance
- Drama
- Earth Science
- East Asian Language Studies
- East Asian Studies
- Economics
- English
- Film Studies
- French
- Gender and Sexuality Studies
- Geography
- German
- Global Development Studies
- Greek & Roman Studies
- History
- International Indigenous Studies
- International Relations
- Italian Studies
- Latin American Studies
- Law & Society
- Linguistics
- Music
- Philosophy
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Religious Studies
- Sociology
- Spanish
- Urban Studies
- Visual Studies
- Faculty of ScienceToggle Dropdown
- Faculty of Education
- Faculty of Kinesiology
- Faculty of Nursing
- Faculty of Social Work
- Haskayne School of BusinessToggle Dropdown
- Accounting
- Business Analytics
- Business Technology Management
- Energy Management
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- Finance
- General Business
- International Business
- Marketing
- Operations Management
- Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources
- Petroleum Land Management
- Real Estate
- Risk Management Insurance
- Risk Management Insurance & Finance
- Supply Chain Management
- Schulich School of EngineeringToggle Dropdown
- Cumming School of MedicineToggle Dropdown
- School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape
- Certificate in Sustainability Studies
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- Contact This link opens in a new window
Most nursing graduates seek licensure with a professional body to be able to practice as a Registered Nurse. RN’s assess patient health problems and needs, develop and implement nursing care plans, deliver health education programs and provide consultative nursing services to promote, maintain and restore patient health.
Key Skills & Knowledge
Communication: Active listening, sensitive and accurate articulation, to develop therapeutic relationships with patients, clients, and families and effective collaboration with other professionals
Analytical and Critical Thinking: Comprehend, prioritize, and synthesize diverse kinds of information including scientific data and interpersonal cues for client-centred decision making
Practice Competencies: Technical and psychomotor skills, including safe medication administration, use of technology and informatics, as appropriate in diverse practice settings
Evidence Informed Practice: Understanding the sources of nursing knowledge, different kinds of research, and how knowledge is applied in practice
Note: Requirements for undergraduate students in nursing align with the College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta [CARNA] “Requisite Skills and Abilities”: http://www.nurses.ab.ca/content/dam/carna/pdfs/DocumentList/Guidelines/RN_RequisiteSkills_May2011.pdf
Sample Job Titles
Please note some of these positions may require further training, certification or education. Check out the occupational profiles to review the full details for the occupations that interest you at alis.alberta.ca/occinfo
- Clinical Trial Coordinator
- Clinical Nurse Specialist
- Community Health Nurse
- Coordinator, Infection Control
- Educational Resource Salesperson
- Geriatric Nurse
- Independent Practice Nurse
- Infection Control Professional
- Informatics Nurse Specialists
- Legal Nurse Consultant
- Midwife
- Nurse Counsellor
- Nurse Educator
- Nurse Manager
- Nurse Practitioners
- Nurse Recruiter
- Occupational Health Nurse
- Palliative Care Nurse
- Patient Advocate
- Pharmaceutical / Medical Equipment Salesperson
- Professor
- Psychiatric Nurse
- School Health Nurse
- Unit Nurse
Potential Industries
- Assisted Living / Residential Care for Seniors
- Canadian Armed Forces/Military
- Clinics (ambulatory, medical and community)
- Corporate Organizations
- Diet Centers
- Educational Institutions
- Fitness and Wellness Centres
- Government Services
- Hospices
- Home Care Agencies
- Insurance Companies
- Laboratories
- Medical Equipment Sales Companies
- National Institute of Health
- Not for Profit Agencies
- Nursing Homes
- Pharmaceutical Companies
- Primary Care Settings
- Professional Health Associations
- Publishers (Education Resources)
- Recruitment Agencies
- Regional Health Authorities
- Rejuvenation Clinics
- Research (Clinical Trials)
Associations & Professional Development
- Alberta Gerontological Nurses Association
- Alberta Occupational Health Nurses Association
- Alberta Hospice Palliative Care Association
- Alberta Association of Registered Nurses in Private Practice
- Canadian Holistic Nurses Association
- Canadian Nurses Association
- Canadian Association of Neuroscience Nurses
- Canadian Nursing Students’ Association
- Canadian Association of Advanced Practice Nursing
- Canadian Association of Nurses in AIDS Care
- Canadian Association of Critical Care Nurses
- Canadian Gerontological Nursing Association
- Canadian Holistic Nurses Association
- Canadian Vascular Access Association
- Canadian Nurses Protective Society
- Canadian Association of Nephrology Nurses and Technologists
- College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta
- College of Registered Psychiatric Nurses Association of Alberta
- Mental Health Nurses Interest Group
- Nurse Practitioner Association of Alberta
- National Emergency Nurses Association
- Nurses – Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association
- Operating Nurses Association of Canada
- Ostomy Canada Society
- Parish Nursing Alberta
- Registered Nurses in Alberta
- The Canadian Family Practice Nurses Association
- United Nurses of Alberta
Did You Know?
Formal Career Assessments like the Strong Interest Inventory and the Myers Briggs Type Indicator can be helpful tools for your career development. These assessments have been used for decades to help individuals choose a major, explore career options during and upon completion of a degree and to further understand yourself in relationship to the world of work. Inquire with Career Services if you are interested in these formal assessments.
The Nursing Profession by Stephen L. Isaacs (Editor); David C. Colby (Editor); Diana J. Mason (Editor)
ISBN: 9781118028810Publication Date: 2011-09-06A Career in Nursing by Janet R. Katz
ISBN: 9780323046336Publication Date: 2007-02-12101 Careers in Nursing by Jeanne M. Novotny (Editor); Doris T. Lippman (Editor); Nicole K. Sanders (Editor); Joyce J. Fitzpatrick (Editor)
ISBN: 9780826120144Publication Date: 2003-08-01
Key Contacts
Faculty Contact
Professional Faculties Building
W: http://nursing.ucalgary.ca
Undergraduate Program
Room: PF 1238
T:(403) 220-4636
E: nursing@ucalgary.ca
Graduate Program
Room: PF 2279
T: (403) 220-6241
E: nursgrad@ucalgary.ca
Career Services
MacEwan Student Centre, Room 188
T: 403.220.8020
E: csstdnt@ucalgary.ca
W: ucalgary.ca/careers
- Last Updated: Jul 12, 2024 1:53 PM
- URL: https://libguides.ucalgary.ca/guides/CCPD/degree-profiles
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