Centre for Career and Personal Development Degree Profiles
- Centre for Career and Personal Development Degree Profiles
- Faculty of ArtsToggle Dropdown
- Ancient & Medieval History
- Anthropology
- Archaeology
- Art/Art History
- Canadian Studies
- Communication and Media Studies
- Dance
- Drama
- Earth Science
- East Asian Language Studies
- East Asian Studies
- Economics
- English
- Film Studies
- French
- Gender and Sexuality Studies
- Geography
- German
- Global Development Studies
- Greek & Roman Studies
- History
- International Indigenous Studies
- International Relations
- Italian Studies
- Latin American Studies
- Law & Society
- Linguistics
- Music
- Philosophy
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Religious Studies
- Sociology
- Spanish
- Urban Studies
- Visual Studies
- Faculty of ScienceToggle Dropdown
- Faculty of Education
- Faculty of Kinesiology
- Faculty of Nursing
- Faculty of Social Work
- Haskayne School of BusinessToggle Dropdown
- Accounting
- Business Analytics
- Business Technology Management
- Energy Management
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- Finance
- General Business
- International Business
- Marketing
- Operations Management
- Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources
- Petroleum Land Management
- Real Estate
- Risk Management Insurance
- Risk Management Insurance & Finance
- Supply Chain Management
- Schulich School of EngineeringToggle Dropdown
- Cumming School of MedicineToggle Dropdown
- School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape
- Certificate in Sustainability Studies
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Faculty of Social Work
Social Workers are helping professionals. They use their knowledge, skills, training and life experience to promote: social change, problem solving in human relationships and engage in activities that enhance personal and community well being.
Key Skills & Knowledge
- Active listening
- Counseling
- Crisis intervention
- Critical reading
- Ethical reasoning
- Intercultural sensitivity / awareness
- Interpersonal communication
- Advocacy
- Assessment
- Report writing
- Research
- Situational management
- Statistical analysis
- Stress management
- Interviewing
- Mediation
- Documentation
- Intervention and referral
Sample Job Titles
Please note some of these positions may require further training, certification or education. Check out the occupational profiles to review the full details for the occupations that interest you at alis.alberta.ca/occinfo
- Addictions Counsellor
- Advocacy Project Coordinator
- Art Therapist
- Behaviour Therapist
- Career & Employment Specialist
- Case Manager
- Case Worker
- Child Support Services Worker
- Child Welfare Officer
- Children and Family Counsellor
- City Planner
- Civic Reform Worker
- Clinical Social Worker
- Clinical Supervisor
- Community Access Worker
- Community Outreach Worker
- Contract Manager
- Corporate Foundation Worker
- Court Appointed Advocate
- Detention Care Worker
- Educational Therapist
- Elder Care Worker
- Eligibility Worker
- Equity Employment Officer
- Family Court Counsellor
- Family Enforcement Worker
- Family / School Liaison Worker
- Grant Writer
- Group Facilitator
- Hospice Worker
- Human Resources Consultant
- Human Resources Recruiter
- Human Rights Spokesperson
- In-Home Support Worker
- Intake Counsellor
- Labour Relations Specialist
- Life Skills Coach
- Lobbyist
- Parenting Coach
- Parole Officer
- Probations Officer
- Public Affairs Coordinator
- Public Relations Professional
- Rape Crisis Counsellor
- Recreation Therapist
- Relief Counsellor
- Research Assistant
- School Social Worker
- Senior Resource Coordinator
- Social Worker
- Veteran’s Affairs Coordinator
- Victim Services Worker
- Violence Prevention Coordinator
- Vocational Evaluator
- Volunteer Coordinator
- Youth Worker
Potential Industries
- Government
- School Boards / Education
- Community Agencies
- Residential Settings
- Health Care
- Community Health Teams
- Crisis Centres
- Counseling Agencies (Children, Youth, Family)
- Employee Assistance Programs
- Correctional Services & Agencies
- Aboriginal Band Councils
- Immigration & Cross Cultural Services
- International Social Work
- Shelters
- Homelessness
- Non-Profits & NGOs
Associations & Professional Development
Alberta College of Social Workers
The Alberta College of Social Workers (ACSW) represents the social work profession in Alberta. It supports membership activities that promote skilled and ethical social work practice such as annual conferences and regional events. Under its auspices, ACSW members are able to meet around areas of interest such as children’s issues, gerontology, health and private practice.
Canadian Association of Social Workers
The Canadian Association of Social Workers (CASW) was founded in 1926 after discussion at the 1924 American National Conference of Social Work in Toronto. At this meeting several Canadian social workers discussed the need for a Canadian professional social work association. Originally, social workers joined individually. Today, the CASW is has developed into a federated organization with 10 member organizations across the country. The CASW recently celebrated its 80 anniversary.
International Federation of Social Work
The International Federation of Social Work (IFSW) is a global federation of national organisations of social workers (unions or associations). It is striving for social justice, human rights and social development through the development of social work, best practices and international cooperation between social workers and their professional organisations.
National Association of Social Workers
The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) is the largest membership organization of professional social workers in the world, with 145,000 members. NASW works to enhance the professional growth and development of its members, to create and maintain professional standards, and to advance sound social policies.
Additional Resources
Did You Know?
Formal Career Assessments like the Strong Interest Inventory and the Myers Briggs Type Indicator can be helpful tools for your career development. These assessments have been used for decades to help individuals choose a major, explore career options during and upon completion of a degree and to further understand yourself in relationship to the world of work. Inquire with Career Services if you are interested in these formal assessments.
101 Careers in Social Work by Jessica A. Ritter; Halaevalu F. Ofahengaue Vakalahi; Mary Kiernan-Stern
ISBN: 9780826154057Publication Date: 2008-12-01Careers in Social Work by Leon H. Ginsberg
ISBN: 0205330746Publication Date: 2000-09-12Careers in Social and Rehabilitation Services by Geraldine Garner
ISBN: 0071493131Publication Date: 2008-03-21
Key Contacts
Faculty Contact
Faculty of Social Work, Professional Faculties Building Room 3256
T: 403.220-5942
E: bswinfo@ucalgary.ca
W: fsw.ucalgary.ca
Clubs on Campus:
Social Work Students' Association (SWSA)
Career Services
MacEwan Student Centre, Room 188
T: 403.220.8020
E: csstdnt@ucalgary.ca
W: ucalgary.ca/careers
- Last Updated: Jul 12, 2024 1:53 PM
- URL: https://libguides.ucalgary.ca/guides/CCPD/degree-profiles
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