Centre for Career and Personal Development Degree Profiles
- Centre for Career and Personal Development Degree Profiles
- Faculty of ArtsToggle Dropdown
- Ancient & Medieval History
- Anthropology
- Archaeology
- Art/Art History
- Canadian Studies
- Communication and Media Studies
- Dance
- Drama
- Earth Science
- East Asian Language Studies
- East Asian Studies
- Economics
- English
- Film Studies
- French
- Gender and Sexuality Studies
- Geography
- German
- Global Development Studies
- Greek & Roman Studies
- History
- International Indigenous Studies
- International Relations
- Italian Studies
- Latin American Studies
- Law & Society
- Linguistics
- Music
- Philosophy
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Religious Studies
- Sociology
- Spanish
- Urban Studies
- Visual Studies
- Faculty of ScienceToggle Dropdown
- Faculty of Education
- Faculty of Kinesiology
- Faculty of Nursing
- Faculty of Social Work
- Haskayne School of BusinessToggle Dropdown
- Accounting
- Business Analytics
- Business Technology Management
- Energy Management
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- Finance
- General Business
- International Business
- Marketing
- Operations Management
- Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources
- Petroleum Land Management
- Real Estate
- Risk Management Insurance
- Risk Management Insurance & Finance
- Supply Chain Management
- Schulich School of EngineeringToggle Dropdown
- Cumming School of MedicineToggle Dropdown
- School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape
- Certificate in Sustainability Studies
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Bachelor of Design in City Innovation
The new Bachelor of Design in City Innovation (BDCI) degree will give you the tools and skills necessary to create positive change in the built environment, and to address complex issues affecting cities.
The BDCI will give you a design-based framework for thinking about the world, its challenges, and to create inclusive and sustainable city-focused solutions. Hands-on, studio-based learning tackling real-world projects, cross-cultural opportunities, and literacy in advanced digital design tools, data science, entrepreneurship and sustainability, will provide you with a broader perspective and spark innovation for the betterment of communities and society.
If you’re interested in becoming an architect, licensed planner or landscape architect, or want to pursue another city-building related career in business, law, public policy, social work or entrepreneurship, the BDCI is for you!
Key Skills and Knowledge
Analysis: Connect with and integrate information from multiple disciplines which are linked to design thinking and city building.
Knowledge of the evolution and history of cities: Connect with and integrate information from multiple disciplines which are linked to Urban Studies.
Understand the principles: of planning, of urban governance, political and economic factors in urban development.
Communicates effectively, both orally and in writing: Presenting ideas and information clearly, public speaking and presentation skills; Writing clearly and concisely.
Designing programs: Integrate the goals of sustainable development, good government and economic viability when evaluating proposals and strategies; balance various private interests with the public interest and identify viable, workable options.
Problem Solving: Hands-on experience in understanding and defining inclusive and sustainable city-focused solutions to real world problems – locally, nationally and internationally.
Qualitative and quantitative research methodologies: Diverse and thorough with consultations as part of research to ensure that as many voices as possible are heard and considered during the planning process; measure and analyze statistical information for its implications.
Resource management: Knowledge of land, air and water resources; knowledge of the use and needs of new technologies.
Project management: High level of independent judgment; organizing projects and programs, ability to meet deadlines; design the physical layout of a large development; meet the needs of all sectors of society.
Policy analysis: Make recommendations to both the public and the private sector, reconcile different viewpoints and to make constructive policy recommendations; recommend policy and budget option.
Technical: Literacy in advanced digital design tools, data science, entrepreneurship and sustainability.
Sample Job Titles
Please note some of these positions may require further training, certification or education. Check out the occupational profiles to review the full details for the occupations that interest you at alis.alberta.ca/occinfo
- Architect
- Assistant City Manager
- Community Development Officer
- Community Organizer
- Homeless & Sustainable Housing Officer
- Emergency Services Planner
- Engagement Coordinator
- Environmental Planner
- Environment Impact Officer
- Foreign Service Officer
- Green Building Analyst
- Landscape Architect
- Market Research Analyst
- Neighbourhood Resource Coordinator
- Parks Technician
- Planner
- Policy Analyst
- Policy Researcher or Administrator
- Project Coordinator
- Public Art Manager
- Research Assistant/Researcher
- Social Programs Advisor
- Sustainability Specialist
- Teacher/Professor
- Transit Planner
- Urban/Regional Planner
- Urban/Regional Redeveloper
Potential Industries
- Architecture/Landscape Architecture firms
- Business
- City, Town, and Regional Planning
- Community Development
- Community Conflict Resolution
- Convention Planning
- Data Science
- Demography
- Economic Development
- Education
- Environmental Policy & Planning
- Government
- Housing
- International Development
- Land Use Planning & Management
- Law
- Non-profits & NGOs
- Post-Secondary
- Public Administration
- Public Health
- Public Policy
- Quality Assurance
- Real Estate & Real Estate Developers
- Social Work
- Sustainability
- Tourism
- Transportation Planning
- Urban Planning and Design
- Urban/ Environmental Relations
- Waste Management
Associations and Professional Development
- Alberta Association of Architects
- Alberta Association of Landscape Architects
- Alberta Association of Municipal Districts & Counties
- Alberta Association, Canadian Institute of Planners
- Alberta Land Surveyor’s Association
- Alberta Municipal Affairs
- Alberta Urban Municipalities Association
- Canadian Architectural Certification Board
- Canadian Institute of Planners
- Canadian Society of Landscape Architects
- Canadian Urban Institute
- Cyburbia
- Heritage Round table
- Intergovernmental Committee on Urban and Regional Research (ICURR)
- International Society of City and Regional Planners
- Transportation Association of Canada
Key Contacts
Faculty Contact
School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape
Professional Faculties 2182
W: https://sapl.ucalgary.ca/current-students/undergraduate/bachelor-design-city-innovation
E: bdci@sapl.ucalgary.ca
Career Services
MacEwan Student Centre, Room 188
T: 403.220.8020
E: csstdnt@ucalgary.ca
W: ucalgary.ca/ccpd
- Last Updated: Jul 12, 2024 1:53 PM
- URL: https://libguides.ucalgary.ca/guides/CCPD/degree-profiles
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