This guide will help you access the microform collections including microfilm, microfiche and microcard.
Sample Collections | Call Number (and catalogue link) |
United Nations documents, 1946-1981. | JX1977 .A2 |
United Nations documents, 1982-2016. | JX1977 .A2 |
Microlog [microform], 1999-2015. | J103 .A1 M52 |
Canada census documents, 1921, 1929, 1946, 1976. | HA741.5 |
Statistics Canada documents [+1000 documents in microfiche] | varied |
Immigration Branch Records | CA1 /AK 76/ I41 |
The Commission of Inquiry Concerning Certain Activities of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (R.C.M.P.) | CA1 /Z 1/77C21 |
Royal Commission on Economic Union and Development Prospects for Canada: briefs/ Royal Commission on Economic Union and Development Prospects for Canada: brief reports | CA1 /Z 1/ R51 |
The MAGIC documents [microform] : summaries and transcripts of the top secret diplomatic communications of Japan, 1938-1945. | D767.2 .M32 1980 |
The ULTRA documents: main series of signals conveying intelligence to Allied Commands, based on intercepted radio messages | D810 .S7 U46 |
MacKenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry: Briefs and Transcripts of Public Hearings. | KB2034 .M22 1975 |
Star Chamber and English Society in the Reign of James I | KD86 .A3 G72 1980 |
Richard Bedford Bennett [microform] | FC16 .C34 NO.434 |
William McKinley Papers (U.S. President from 1897-1901) | E711.6 .M22 |
Ulysses S. Grant Papers (U.S. President from 1869-1877) | E660 .G75 |
Catalogue Links
Select the links below to browse the full collection of government document microforms:
What types?
Government documents stored in microform may include historical Canadian reports, evaluations conducted by government offices, bureau records and other publications.
The listed records are a small sample of what is available.
- Last Updated: Oct 15, 2024 10:40 AM
- URL: https://libguides.ucalgary.ca/guides/microforms
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Subjects: Reference Tools, Research
Tags: micro, microcard, microfiche, microfilm, microform, microformat