LAW Bankruptcy Law
The following courts have federally-granted jurisdiction over Bankruptcy matters:
- Alberta: Court of Queen’s Bench
- British Columbia: Supreme Court
- Manitoba: Court of Queen’s Bench
- Ontario: Superior Court of Justice
- New Brunswick: Court of King's Bench
- Newfoundland and Labrador: Trial Division of the Supreme Court
- Northwest Territories: Supreme Court
- Nova Scotia: Supreme Court
- Nunavut: Court of Justice
- Prince Edward Island: Supreme Court of the Province
- Quebec: Superior Court
- Saskatchewan: Court of Queen’s Bench
- Yukon: Supreme Court
You can find the judgments produced by these courts through the databases listed below.
A case is a decision made by a court or a board or tribunal. Released cases are made available by courts, boards and tribunals to be published in case reports. Not every case gets published (reported) so not every case is searchable. In Alberta unpublished court cases may be found by contacting the Clerk of the Court for a transcript, if available. There will be a charge for this.
Published (reported) cases may be located by topic, case name or citation. Citations may be found in books or articles. Reported cases can be located on legal databases using their citation. Case judgements may also be published directly by the court or tribunal where the decision was made.
For links to further resources for finding Canadian cases, visit the research guide Canadian Cases and Decisions. That guide is provides links to sources for Canadian Federal as well as Alberta and the other provinces and territories case law. Legal databases may be restricted to University of Calgary users or to Faculty of Law users.
Searching online databases for cases
Search for cases on a topic or legal issue by doing a keyword search, similar to searching on an internet search engine, in any of the databases below. You can limit the search to a particular province, jurisdiction or court.
There are several electronic databases with links to case reports:
- CanLIICanadian Legal Information Institute is a free resource, containing comprehensive coverage of case law and legislation for all Canadian jurisdictions.
- Westlaw Canada(U of C access only) Has Canadian content that includes the full-text of court cases and decisions from administrative boards and tribunals.Westlaw includes nearly 15,000 databases and over 700 full text law reviews.
Searching in print for cases
Once you have the title of the case reporter, search for it in the library catalogue to determine availability and location. Law report series may be available in print or electronically. Print case reporters are located on the law library 1st floor. They include all general and many topical reporters for Canada, as well as some international and foreign reporters too.
Court websites
Both federal and provincial courts often make judicial decisions available through their own websites.
- Supreme Court of CanadaThe Court’s decisions are published in English and French in its official reports, the Canada Supreme Court Reports. All written and oral judgments and reasons for judgment are printed in their entirety along with a summary (called a headnote) of the reasons. Originally numbered in series from 1 to 64, the Reports have been identified since 1923 by their year of publication. Judgments are made available in electronic form the day of their release through links.
- Alberta CourtsIncludes Court of Appeal, Court of Queen's Bench and Provincial Court
Administrative Bodies
Officials, Agencies, Boards, Commissions and Tribunals often make their decisions available through their own websites. .The Canadian Legal Information Institute (CanLII) also makes decisions from some boards accessible for free on the internet.
- CanLIICanadian Legal Information Institute is a free resource, containing comprehensive coverage of case law and legislation for all Canadian jurisdictions.
- Westlaw Canada(U of C access only) Has Canadian content that includes the full-text of court cases and decisions from administrative boards and tribunals.Westlaw includes nearly 15,000 databases and over 700 full text law reviews.
- Westlaw Edge(UofC Law School only.)Includes over 700 full-text (mainly U.S.) law reviews. Each journal is an individual database but it also offers global databases for combined searching of all law journals simultaneously. For copyright reasons, some databases do not have every articles included in the original print volume. Try the JLR database.
- Lexis Advance Quicklaw(UofC Law School only.)
- Last Updated: Sep 3, 2024 2:44 PM
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