Primary Sources
University of Calgary Primary Source Databases
Libraries and Cultural Resources (LCR) provides patrons access to hundreds of databases containing curated interdisciplinary primary sources. The following is a list with links to many of these databases. These sources are organized by the various vendors from whom we subscribe. A selected list of Primary Source Databases, largely related to History, can be found below.
- History--Primary Sources DatabasesA list of many of the Primary Sources databases available for History at the University of Calgary.
Gale Primary Sources
Gale provides a single search option to access most of their primary source databases. This search option will provide access to newspapers, journals, magazines, and other types of historical primary source materials. This single search option can be found at the following link:
- Gale Primary sources This link opens in a new windowGale Primary Sources is a universal research experience that combines Gale's acclaimed digital archives in a single cross-search interface. This powerful platform greatly enhances the research experience for students and researchers by broadening their discovery of primary source documents through the use of multiple search options and research tools. The Gale Primary Sources cross-search interface provides access to millions of pages of content spanning many centuries and geographic regions. Users can explore a wide range of content including monographs, manuscripts, newspapers, photographs, maps, and more. As Gale continues to create additional digital archives, we will automatically add the content to the Gale Primary Sources cross-search experience.
Adam Matthew Publications
Adam Matthew provides digitized versions of a number of primary source documents through numerous databases. The list of specific database titles for which the library subscribes can be found at the following link:
EBSCO Primary Sources
EBSCOhost provides digitized versions of a number of primary source documents through individual library databases. The specific database titles for which our library subscribes can be found at the following links:
- Maclean's magazine archive This link opens in a new windowMaclean's Magazine Archive, offering content from 1905-2015, a Canadian news and general interest magazine, provides a unique perspective on both national and international affairs. Topics include investigative reporting, opinion and analysis on politics, economy and business, science and technology, society, arts and culture, education and work. It was initially known as then The Busy Man's Magazine from 1896-1911, with a couple of 1905 issues published as The Business Magazine, and then changed to the current title, Maclean's, in 1911.
- Primary Search This link opens in a new windowPrimary Search provides full text for more than 70 popular, magazines for elementary school research. All full text articles included in the database are assigned a reading level indicator (Lexiles), and full text information dates as far back as 1990.
- American Antiquarian Society (AAS)Links to the 5 databases for the AAS available from EBSCOhost.
ProQuest Primary Sources
The library subscribes or owns over 100 primary sources databases through the ProQuest, Alexander Street Press, and History Vault interfaces. Please review the following sections for database titles that are representative of our collection. You can also use the library search box or the library database list to determine if we have access to a specific database.
ProQuest Primary Source Databases
- Perpetual (Owned) Databases
- Subscribed Databases
- Canadian Historical Newspapers
- Historical Newspapers (US)
- Historical Newspapers (outside North America)
- Magazines
The following list is not exhaustive, but is representative of some of the databases in our collection. Please use the library search box (located at or library database list to determine if we have access to a specific database.
- British Periodicals This link opens in a new windowThis resource offers facsimile page images and searchable full text for nearly 500 British periodicals published from the 17th century through to the early 21st. Subject areas covered include literature, philosophy, history, science, the fine arts and the social sciences.
British Periodicals Collection I consists of more than 160 journals that comprise the UMI microfilm collection Early British Periodicals, the equivalent of 5,238 printed volumes containing approximately 3.1 million pages. Topics covered include literature, philosophy, history, science, the fine arts and the social sciences.
British Periodicals Collection II consists of more than 300 journals from the UMI microfilm collections English Literary Periodicals and British Periodicals in the Creative Arts together with additional titles, amounting to almost 3 million pages. Topics covered include literature, music, art, drama, archaeology and architecture.
British Periodicals Collection III extends the scope of the program by focusing on leading publications from the first half of the twentieth century. The titles are from the prestigious stable of illustrated periodicals known as the “Great Eight” in British periodical publishing history. They are considered to be among the foremost popular periodicals of the period and were highly influential in their mix of news/politics, miscellany, art, photography, literature and comedy/satire, while launching the careers of many leading artists/illustrators of the age.
British Periodicals Collection IV continues this expansion, offering an eclectic mix of major popular titles from the twentieth century, reflecting the age’s attitudes interests and events across culture, politics and society. Key themes covered in these publications include socialism and the labour movement, international affairs/conflict, leisure/rural life, the arts, travel/empire and childhood/youth. - ProQuest historical newspapers. Calgary herald This link opens in a new windowThis historical newspaper provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time. This database provides full page and article images with searchable full text from Calgary Daily Herald (1888-1895), The Calgary Daily Herald (1901-1939), Calgary Herald (1939-2010), Calgary Herald and Alberta Livestock Journal (1888-1888), The Calgary Herald, Mining and Ranche Advocate and General Advertiser (1883-1887), The Calgary Weekly Herald (1887-1888), Calgary Weekly Herald (1893-1893), Calgary Weekly Herald (1895-1895), Calgary Weekly Herald and Alberta Livestock Journal (1888-1892), The Daily Herald (1895-1908), Semi-weekly Calgary Herald and Alberta Livestock Journal (1893-1894), and The Weekly Herald (1897-1912).
- Early English Books Online This link opens in a new windowIf you cannot find a full text title in EEBO, try EEBO Text Creation PartnershipEarly English Books Online (EEBO) features page images of almost every work printed in the British Isles and North America, as well as works in English printed elsewhere from 1470-1700. Over 200 libraries worldwide have contributed to EEBO. From the first book printed in English through to the ages of Spenser, Shakespeare and of the English Civil War, EEBO's content draws on authoritative and respected short-title catalogues of the period and features a substantial number of text transcriptions specially created for the product. EEBO draws from four authoritative bibliographical resources – both Pollard & Redgrave’s Short-Title Catalogue (1475-1640) and Wing’s Short-Title Catalogue (1641-1700) in their revised versions, as well as the Thomason Tracts (1640-1661) and the Early English Books Tract Supplement – to present more than 146,000 titles and over 17 million scanned pages of content. Transcribed texts – TCP I and TCP II – are now included on EEBO, adding transcriptions to approximately 50% of the texts featured. EEBO also covers texts in more than 30 languages, ranging from Algonquin to Welsh, and incorporates variant editions and multiple copies. These collections were part of the original UMI Microfilms Collections Project.
- ProQuest historical newspapers. Edmonton journal This link opens in a new windowThis historical newspaper provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time. Offers full page and article images with searchable full text back to the first issue. The collection includes digital reproductions providing access to every page from every available issue for the following titles: Edmonton journal (1911-2010) and the Evening journal (Edmonton, Alta.) (1903-1911).
- Entertainment industry magazine archive This link opens in a new windowAn archival research resource containing the essential primary sources for studying the history of the film and entertainment industries, from the era of vaudeville and silent movies through to 2000. The core US and UK trade magazines covering film, music, broadcasting and theater are all included, together with film fan magazines and music press titles. Magazines have been scanned cover-to-cover in high-resolution color, with granular indexing of all articles, covers, ads and reviews.
- ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The Globe and Mail This link opens in a new windowThis historical newspaper provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time.
- ProQuest Historical Newspapers: New York Times This link opens in a new windowThis historical newspaper provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time. The New York Times offers full page and article images with searchable full text back to the first issue. The collection includes digital reproductions providing access to every page from every available issue.
- U.K. Parliamentary Papers This link opens in a new windowEncompasses all areas of social, political, economic and foreign policy, showing how issues were explored and legislation was formed. Includes House of Commons sessional papers from 1715 to the present, with supplementary material back to 1688. Includes Records of proceedings, the Debates (Hansard), and the House of Commons journal; Sessional papers providing information to parliament on matters of policy and administration: Bills, House papers, and Command papers. Also includes those Papers of the House of Lords presented to the Commons, such as reports prepared by Lords Select Committees. Includes the following collections: Bills and acts (1695-2015); Command papers by number (1833-2015); House of Common Papers (1715-2015); House of Lords Papers (1715-1910); Hansard (1803-2005); Journals (1688-1834); Debates (1774-1805); Histories and proceedings (1660-1743).
- Women's magazine archive This link opens in a new windowA searchable archive of leading women's interest magazines, dating from the 19th century through to the 21st. Subject coverage includes consumer culture, economics/marketing, family life, fashion, gender studies, health and fitness, home/interior design, popular culture, and social history. This database provides access to the complete archives of several 19th and 20th-century women's magazines. In combination, the publications cover topics such as family life, home economics, health, careers, fashion, culture, and many more; this material serves multiple research areas, from gender studies, social history, and the arts, through to education, politics and marketing/media history. The magazines are all scanned from cover to cover in high-resolution color and include non-article items, such as advertisements. Detailed article-level indexing, with document feature flags, enables searching and navigation.
The following list is not exhaustive, but is representative of some of the databases in our collection. Please use the library search box (located at or library database list to determine if we have access to a specific database.
- American Periodicals This link opens in a new windowThis database contains periodicals published between 1740 and 1940, including special interest and general magazines, literary and professional journals, children's and women's magazines and many other historically-significant periodicals. Consists of digitized reproductions of more than 1,100 eighteenth and nineteenth century American newspapers and periodicals. Derived from the acclaimed American periodicals series microform collection I, II, and III.
American Periodicals provides access to two separate collections, American Periodicals Series Online (APS Online) and American Periodicals from the Center for Research (APCRL).
American Periodicals Series Online (APS Online) includes digitized images of the pages of American magazines and journals published from colonial days to the dawn of the 20th century. Titles range from Benjamin Franklin's General Magazine and America's first scientific journal, Medical Repository; popular magazines such as Vanity Fair and Ladies' Home Journal; regional and niche publications; and groundbreaking journals like The Dial, Puck, and McClure's.
American Periodicals from the Center for Research Libraries is a full-text electronic resource containing full-color scans of original printed documents archived at the Center for Research Libraries (CRL). The collection spans the nineteenth century through the dawn of the twentieth century, containing labor, trade, literary, scientific, and photographic periodicals, as well as other historically significant titles. The resource provides enhanced access to full runs of hundreds of periodicals, resulting in a tool which is vital both to the research process and classroom experience. - ArtForum Archive (The) This link opens in a new windowThe backfile of Artforum (later Artforum International), the leading magazine for coverage of international contemporary art, from its launch in 1962 to 2020. Spanning six decades of reporting on art in all media, Artforum offers features, reviews, and interviews relating to artists, exhibitions, publications, and other art world events / trends.
- Cecil papers This link opens in a new windowProQuest has teamed with The Hatfield House Archives to digitize their privately held collection of almost 30,000 documents gathered by William Cecil (1520-1598), Lord Burghley and his son Robert Cecil (1563-1612), First Earl of Salisbury. This important collection includes many sixteenth- and seventeenth-century state papers, grants from the Crown, legal documents, treaties, correspondences, and political memoranda. ProQuest's The Cecil Papers also includes a digitised version of The Calendar of the Manuscripts of the Marquess of Salisbury. All the documents, which include a number of contemporary hand-drawn maps, tables, and letters, have been reproduced as full-color, high-quality images directly from original documents. These images can be examined using a dynamic viewing tool or downloaded as PDFs of JPEGs.
"The Cecil Papers are a privately held archive of approximately 30,000 sixteenth and seventeenth-century manuscripts, consisting principally of the correspondence of William Cecil, Lord Burghley (1520-1598) and his son Robert, the 1st Earl of Salisbury (1563-1612). These two men dominated the administration of government during the reign of Elizabeth I and the first eight years under her successor, to the extent that critics suggested that England was becoming a regnum Cecilianum. Both Cecils held a variety of public appointments; they were both long-serving Secretaries of State who achieved even greater political power as Lord High Treasurer. The collection documents their various official roles. In addition, the collection contains documents acquired by Robert Cecil that had belonged to his rival, Robert Devereux, the 2nd Earl of Essex. The papers span the period 1520-1668, from the birth of William Cecil, Lord Burghley, to the death of William Cecil, 2nd Earl of Salisbury. Because of the importance of the Cecils, the materials offer crucial insights into the events of one of the most dynamic periods of history, including the marriages of Henry VIII, through the reign of Elizabeth I and the clandestine plans to facilitate James I/VI's accession, upon her death. In addition to the documents relating to English domestic politics, also covered in detail are overseas occurrences and interactions with other powers, through the reports of English ambassadors to the courts of Europe and the network of overseas agents. Among the major events in English foreign policy addressed by these documents are the Tudor reconquest of Ireland, the Anglo-Spanish War, the loss of Calais to the French, and the early settlement of America. Besides the political papers, ProQuest's The Cecil Papers database also includes selected documents from a separate collection, the Cecil Family and Estate Papers, which shed light on the rich history of three generations of the family" - Colonial legacies : Empire & Commonwealth periodicals This link opens in a new windowThe backfiles of over 30 periodicals concerning the 20th-century history of the British Empire, decolonization, and the history and culture of former colonies. This archive offers a mixture of British publications about the empire and titles published in Commonwealth countries (Australia, New Zealand, India, Canada, South Africa, and Papua New Guinea). Coverage ranges from the late-19th century to the 21st – these publications encompass the key events in the empire's later phase and its post-independence legacies. Key events in colonial history, including the latter stages of the Scramble for Africa, the world wars independence movements, the creation of the Commonwealth, and more are highlighted. Publications include official publications as well as more popular titles covering the arts, society, and general interests.
- Digital national security archive This link opens in a new windowFrom the award-winning, nongovernmental National Security Archive, this resource consists of expertly curated, and meticulously indexed, declassified government documents covering U.S. policy toward critical world events – including their military, intelligence, diplomatic and human rights dimensions – from 1945 to the present. Each collection is assembled by foreign policy experts and features chronologies, glossaries, bibliographies, and scholarly overviews to provide unparalleled access to the defining international issues of our time. Subject coverage includes: history, political science, Latin American studies, Middle East studies, Asia studies, diplomacy, and intelligence.
- Digital Sanborn Maps, 1867-1970 This link opens in a new windowDigital Sanborn® Maps (1867-1970) delivers detailed property and land-use records that depict the grid of everyday life in U.S. towns and cities across a century of change. Produced for over a century, more than 660,000 Sanborn maps chart the growth and development of more than 12,000 American towns and cities. Sanborn maps are large-scale plans of a city or town, drawn at a scale of 50 feet to an inch. They were created to assist fire insurance companies as they assessed the risk associated with insuring a particular property. The maps list street blocks and building numbers including numbers in use at the time the map was made and previous numbers. Users can browse by state to locate communities and editions. Once displayed, the maps can be manipulated, expanded, printed, and downloaded. The original Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps collection on microfilm has long been one of the few comprehensive sets for the entire U.S., with some 660,000 maps.
- Economist Intelligence Unit Country Reports Archive This link opens in a new windowThis database is a unique online archive of the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU)'s quarterly country reports, from their beginning in 1952 up to 1995. The reports combine detailed statistical information with expert commentary and analysis from the EIU's analysts, providing high quality summaries of political, economic and commercial developments in almost 200 countries. Reports are reproduced in full and made available as page images with fully searchable text. In addition, figures and tables within each report are captured as separate objects and the data from each statistical table can be downloaded as a spreadsheet. Countries are indexed consistently, making it easy to find the relevant reports despite changes to the nomenclature and grouping of countries across the period. There is one record per report; a single report may cover two or more countries. The reports were produced by the Economist Intelligence Unit's country analysts drawing on a global network of contributors, with data selected and carefully scrutinized from national and international sources. They follow a consistent format for each country, although that structure has evolved over time.
- Gerritsen Women's History Collection of Aletta H. Jacobs This link opens in a new windowIn the late 1800's, Dutch physician and feminist Aletta Jacobs and her husband C.V. Gerritsen began collecting books, pamphlets and periodicals reflecting the revolution of a feminist consciousness and the movement for women's rights. By the time their successors finished their work in 1945, the Gerritsen Collection was the greatest single source for the study of women's history in the world, with materials spanning four centuries and 15 languages. The Gerritsen curators gathered more than 4,700 publications from continental Europe, the U.S., the United Kingdom, Canada, and New Zealand, dating from 1543-1945. The anti-feminist case is presented as well as the pro-feminist; many other titles present a purely objective record of the condition of women at a given time. The broad scope of the collection allows scholars to trace the evolution of feminism within a single country, as well as the impact of one country's movement on those of the others. In many cases, it also provides easy access to primary sources otherwise available only in a few rare book rooms.
- ProQuest History Vault This link opens in a new windowProQuest History Vault consists of manuscript and archival collections digitized in partnership and from a wide variety of archival institutions. Major collection areas in History Vault focus on the Black Freedom Movement of the 20th Century, Southern Life and Slavery, Women's Rights, International Relations, American Politics and Society with a strong focus on the 20th Century, and labor unions, workers and radical politics in the 20th Century. On the topic of civil rights and Black Freedom, History Vault contains records of four of the most important civil rights organizations of the 1950s and 1960s: NAACP, SCLC, SNCC, and CORE. History Vault's collections on Slavery and Southern plantations candidly document the realities of slavery at the most immediate grassroots level in Southern society and provide some of the most revealing documentation in existence on the functioning of the slave system. Many of the collections in History Vault were originally available in microfilm from the University Publications of America (UPA) research collections and others come from the University Microfilms International (UMI) research collections with additional collections scanned from the original documents.
- ProQuest history vault. American Indians and the American West, 1809-1971. This link opens in a new windowConsists of a large variety of collections from the U.S. National Archives, a series of collections from the Chicago History Museum, as well as selected first-hand accounts on Indian Wars and westward migration. One of the highlights of this module is its focus on American Indians in the first half of the 20th Century, a period that has not been studied in as much detail as the calamitous 19th Century. The two major collections on the 20th Century in this module are Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs and records from the Major Council Meetings of American Indian Tribes. In addition to these 20th Century records, American Indians and the American West, 1809-1971 features a number of excellent collections on American Indians in the 19th Century, with a focus on the interaction among white settlers, the U.S. federal government, and Indian tribes.
- Trench journals and unit magazines of the First World War This link opens in a new windowThe trench journals and unit magazines of the First World War are a unique source of information on the common serviceman and woman's experience of the war. These magazines were written by and for every type of unit from every combatant nation. As such they contain the hitherto unheard voices of hundreds of thousands of men and women writing from every facet of the conflict. They were written and illustrated by service personnel from a huge variety of units: the infantry, artillery, air force, naval, supply and transport units, military hospitals and training depots of all combatant nations including America, Britain, Germany, Canada, France, Australia and New Zealand. Although the majority of journals that have survived originate from units based on the Western Front in France and Belgium, there are also magazines from units serving on the Eastern Front, in Gallipoli, Palestine, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Italy, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, India, Britain and America. Commonly referred to as providing a voice to the unit, they are filled with what mattered most to the unit that created it. As such they served to create a sense of esprit de corps and a means of raising the spirits of the unit through humorous stories, poems, jokes and parodies. They also served to document the unit's circumstances and experiences and so accounts and memoirs of a more individual history of the war and the unit's part in it feature prominently in many journals. As a means of offering an outlet for literary or creative expression, the trench journals were hugely important to their contributors. The magazines contain a vast and previously unrecognised corpus of war poetry written by a multitude of hitherto unknown poets which acts as a vital counterpoint to the more established authors who emerged from the War. This collection contains over 1,500 trench journal titles sourced from leading archives around the world including those of the Imperial War Museums and The British Library
- World of Archie Comics Archive (The) This link opens in a new windowAn unprecedented digital collection offering access to the runs of more than 100 publications from Archie Comics. It’s one of the longest-running, best-known comic staples, spanning the early 1940s to 2020. Alongside the flagship title, Archie, other prominent titles, which have pervaded wider popular culture, include Sabrina: The Teenage Witch, Josie and the Pussycats, Betty & Veronica, and Jughead.
The following list is not exhaustive, but is representative of some of the databases in our collection. Please use the library search box (located at or library database list to determine if we have access to a specific Canadian newspaper database.
- ProQuest historical newspapers. Calgary herald This link opens in a new windowThis historical newspaper provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time. This database provides full page and article images with searchable full text from Calgary Daily Herald (1888-1895), The Calgary Daily Herald (1901-1939), Calgary Herald (1939-2010), Calgary Herald and Alberta Livestock Journal (1888-1888), The Calgary Herald, Mining and Ranche Advocate and General Advertiser (1883-1887), The Calgary Weekly Herald (1887-1888), Calgary Weekly Herald (1893-1893), Calgary Weekly Herald (1895-1895), Calgary Weekly Herald and Alberta Livestock Journal (1888-1892), The Daily Herald (1895-1908), Semi-weekly Calgary Herald and Alberta Livestock Journal (1893-1894), and The Weekly Herald (1897-1912).
- ProQuest historical newspapers. Edmonton journal This link opens in a new windowThis historical newspaper provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time. Offers full page and article images with searchable full text back to the first issue. The collection includes digital reproductions providing access to every page from every available issue for the following titles: Edmonton journal (1911-2010) and the Evening journal (Edmonton, Alta.) (1903-1911).
- ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The Globe and Mail This link opens in a new windowThis historical newspaper provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time.
- ProQuest historical newspapers. Leader-post This link opens in a new windowThis historical newspaper provides genealogists, researchers, and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society, and events of the time. The collection includes digital reproductions providing access to every page from every available issue for the following titles: Leader (1890-1907), Leader Post (1930-2010), Morning leader (1907-1930), Regina leader (1883-1890), and Regina sun (1986-2010).
- ProQuest historical newspapers. Montreal gazette This link opens in a new windowThis historical newspaper provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time.
- ProQuest historical newspapers. Ottawa citizen This link opens in a new windowThis historical newspaper provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time. The collection includes digital reproductions providing access to every page from every available issue for the following titles: Citizen (1973-1986), Daily citizen (1871-1878), Daily citizen (1890-1892), Evening citizen (1898-1915), Evening citizen (1941-1953), Ottawa citizen (1851-1871), Ottawa citizen (1878-1879), Ottawa citizen (1892-1897), Ottawa citizen (1954-1973), Ottawa citizen (1986-2010), Ottawa daily citizen (1879-1890), Ottawa evening citizen (1915-1940), Packet (1846-1851).
- ProQuest historical newspapers. The province This link opens in a new windowThis historical newspaper provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time. Offers full page and article images with searchable full text back to the first issue. The collection includes digital reproductions providing access to every page from every available issue for the following titles: Province (1894-1898), Province (1898-1900), Province (1956-2010), Vancouver daily province (1900-1952), and Vancouver province (1952-1956).
- ProQuest historical newspapers. Times colonist This link opens in a new windowThis historical newspaper provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time. The collection includes digital reproductions providing access to every page from every available issue for the following titles: Times colonist (1980-2010), Victoria daily times (1884-1971), and Victoria times (1971-1980).
- ProQuest historical newspapers. Saskatoon star-phoenix This link opens in a new windowThis historical newspaper provides genealogists, researchers, and scholars with online, easilty-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society, and events of the time. The collection includes digital reproductions providing access to every page from every available issue for the following titles: Daily phoenix (1907-1912), Phoenix (1906-1906), Saskatoon daily star (1912-1928), Saskatoon phenix (1902-1905), Saskatoon phoenix (1912-1928), Saskatoon star-phoenix (1928-1967), Saskatoon sun (1991-2009). and Star-phoenix (1967-2009).
- ProQuest historical newspapers. Vancouver sun This link opens in a new windowThis historical newspaper provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time. The collection includes digital reproductions providing access to every page from every available issue for the following titles: Evening sun (1924-1927), Sun (1912-1916), Sun (1959-1973), Sun (1983-1986), Vancouver daily sun (1917-1920), Vancouver evening sun (1924-1924), Vancouver sun (1920-1924), Vancouver sun (1927-1959), Vancouver sun (1973-1983), Vancouver sun (1986-2016).
- ProQuest historical newspapers. Windsor star This link opens in a new windowThis historical newspaper provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of he time. Offers full page and article images with searchable full text back to the first issue. The collection includes digital reproductions providing access to every page from every available issue for the following titles: Border Cities' star (1918-1935), Evening record (1893-1918), Windsor daily star (1935-1959), and Windsor star (1959-2010).
The following list is not exhaustive, but is representative of some of the databases in our collection. Please use the library search box (located at or library database list to determine if we have access to a specific newspaper database from the United States.
- ProQuest historical newspapers. American Israelite This link opens in a new windowContains full text of the newspapers The American Israelite from 1854-2000, and The Israelite (1854-1874)Jewish Expo
- ProQuest historical newspapers. The Baltimore Afro-American This link opens in a new windowA searchable database of full-text and full-image newspaper articles published in: the Afro-American (Baltimore, Md. : 1892), the Afro-American Ledger (Baltimore, Md.), and the Afro-American (Baltimore, Md. : 1915).
- Proquest historical newspapers. The Boston globe This link opens in a new windowSearchable full-text and full-image issues of the Boston Globe (1872-1984). Includes Boston Daily Globe (1872-1922), Boston Daily Globe (1923-1927), Daily Boston Globe (1928-1960), and Boston Globe (1960-1988).
- ProQuest historical newspapers. Chicago tribune This link opens in a new windowThis historical newspaper provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time.
- Proquest historical newspapers. The Christian science monitor This link opens in a new windowFull-page images and article images from: Christian Science monitor (Boston, Mass. : 1908); Christian Science monitor (Boston, Mass. : Atlantic ed.); Christian Science monitor (Boston, Mass. : Eastern ed.); and: Christian Science monitor (Boston, Mass. : 1983).
- ProQuest historical newspapers. Detroit free press This link opens in a new windowProQuest historical newspapers: Detroit free press (1831-1999) offers full page and article images with searchable full text back to the first issue. This interface searches ProQuest databases: Detroit free press (1831-1922), and: Detroit free press (1923-1999). This collection search includes digital reproductions providing access to every page from every available issue for the following titles: Democratic free press and Michigan intelligencer (May 5, 1831-Nov. 15, 1832), Semi-weekly free press (Feb. 28, 1837-June 2, 1837), Detroit free press (June 5, 1837-Dec. 31, 1841), Detroit daily free press (Jan. 4, 1842-Jan. 25, 1842), Daily free press (Jan. 28, 1842-Mar. 1, 1842), Democratic free press (Nov. 28, 1832-Dec. 7, 1842) and (Mar. 2, 1842-Jan. 1, 1848), Detroit free press (Jan. 4, 1848-Oct. 6, 1851), Detroit daily free press (Oct. 7, 1851-Aug. 17, 1858), and Detroit free press (Aug. 18, 1858-Dec. 31, 1922) and (Jan. 1, 1923-Dec. 31, 1999).
- ProQuest historical newspapers : Los Angeles times This link opens in a new windowThis historical newspaper provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time. Includes: Los Angeles daily times (1881-1886) and Los Angeles times (1886-2014).
- ProQuest historical newspapers. Michigan chronicle This link opens in a new windowProQuest Historical Newspapers : Michigan Chronicle offers primary source material essential to the study of American history and African American culture, history, politics, and the arts. Examine major movements from the Great Migration and Civil Rights to the election of America's first Black president. Explore nearly nine decades of everyday life as written from the perspective of this Detroit-based paper providing researchers with unprecedented access to perspectives and information excluded or marginalized in mainstream sources.
- ProQuest historical newspapers. Minneapolis star tribune This link opens in a new windowScanned full-page images from the following Minneapolis newspapers: Minneapolis daily tribune (1867-1876); The Minneapolis tribune (1876-1877); The tribune (1877-1882); Daily Minnesota tribune (1882-1884); The Minneapolis daily tribune (1884-1886); The Minneapolis tribune (1886-1909); The Minneapolis morning tribune (1909-1930); The Minneapolis tribune (1930-1939); The Minneapolis morning tribune (1939-1964); Minneapolis tribune (1964-1982); Minnesota daily star (1920-1924); Minneapolis daily star (1924-1928); The Minneapolis star (1928-1939); The Minneapolis star the Minneapolis journal (1939); Minneapolis star-journal (1939-1947); The Minneapolis star (1947-1982); Minneapolis star and tribune (1982-1987); and Star tribune (Minneapolis edition) (1987-1989).
- ProQuest historical newspapers. Pittsburgh courier This link opens in a new windowThis database provides full page and article images with searchable full text for the Pittsburgh courier (1911-1950 : City ed.), Courier (1950-1954 : City ed.), Pittsburgh courier (1955-1965 : City ed.), New Pittsburgh courier (1969-1981 : City ed.), and New Pittsburgh courier (1981-2010 : National ed.). The collection includes digital reproductions of every page from every issue in PDF format.
The following list is not exhaustive, but is representative of some of the databases in our collection. Please use the library search box (located at or library database list to determine if we have access to a specific newspaper database from outside North America.
- ProQuest historical newspapers. Chinese Newspapers Collection This link opens in a new windowContains full text of various Chinese newspapers.
- ProQuest historical newspapers. The guardian and The observer This link opens in a new windowContains full text of the Guardian, including all title variants (Manchester Guardian, 1821-1825 and 1828-1959; Manchester Guardian and British Volunteer, 1825-1828; Guardian, 1959-2003) and The Observer (1791-2003).
- ProQuest historical newspapers. The Irish times and the Weekly Irish times This link opens in a new windowContains full text of the newspaper the Irish times and the Weekly Irish times including its title variants.
- ProQuest historical newspapers : the Korea times This link opens in a new window
- ProQuest historical newspapers. South China morning post This link opens in a new windowThis historical newspaper provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time.
- ProQuest historical newspapers. The Times of India This link opens in a new windowOffers full page and article images with searchable full text back to the first issue. The collection includes digital reproductions providing access to every page from every available issue for the following titles: The Bombay times and journal of commerce (1838-1859), The Bombay times and standard (1860-1861), and The times of India (1861-2010).
The following list is not exhaustive, but is representative of some of the databases in our collection. Please use the library search box (located at or library database list to determine if we have access to a specific magazine database.
- Entertainment industry magazine archive This link opens in a new windowAn archival research resource containing the essential primary sources for studying the history of the film and entertainment industries, from the era of vaudeville and silent movies through to 2000. The core US and UK trade magazines covering film, music, broadcasting and theater are all included, together with film fan magazines and music press titles. Magazines have been scanned cover-to-cover in high-resolution color, with granular indexing of all articles, covers, ads and reviews.
- GQ Archive (The) This link opens in a new windowThe backfile of GQ magazine, from its launch in 1931 (as Apparel Arts) to the present. One of the longest-running, most influential men's magazines, GQ expanded its initial focus on fashion to cover general men's-interest subjects. The digital archive makes available a wealth of editorial content and photography, providing essential insights into the 20th/21st-century history of fashion, popular culture, masculinity, and society.
- Harper's bazaar archive This link opens in a new windowThe Harper's Bazaar Archive offers access to the backfiles of both the US and UK editions of Harper's Bazaar. In combination, these publications comprise almost 500,000 pages of content, from 1867 to the present [...] This material provides a powerful lens into American, British, and international fashion, as well as popular culture and society, from the mid-19th century forward. It chronicles more than 150 years of some of the most influential work of acclaimed designers, photographers, stylists, and illustrators [...] The Harper's Bazaar Archive features the backfile of the US edition, from its first issue in 1867 to the present, with current issues loaded on an ongoing basis. Coverage of the UK edition is from the first issue in 1929 through to a fixed termination date of 2015. Issues are scanned from cover to cover in full color, while all editorial content and pictorial features are indexed as separate documents to allow for easy search and discovery. For advertisements, the featured company and brand names have been assigned to the document records where possible, and all image captions are captured to a high degree of accuracy, allowing precise retrieval of photographs and illustrations. Contributor names that appear in image credits are also indexed.
- LGBT magazine archive This link opens in a new windowA searchable archive of major periodicals devoted to LGBT+ interests, dating from the 1950s through to recent years. The LGBT Magazine Archive will offer the backfiles of many of the leading, established, long-running periodicals of this type. Magazines of this type have been a crucial source of identification for many LGBT people; they chronicle the evolution of myriad aspects of LGBT history and culture, including law/politics/society, the arts, health, and, lifestyle. Whilst this material will be indispensable for dedicated LGBT studies and broader gender/sexuality research, it will, additionally, cater to interests in many related disciplines, including 20th-century history and culture, sociology, psychology, health, and literature/arts.
- Newsweek Archive (The) This link opens in a new windowAn archive of Newsweek magazine, one of the premier US weeklies of the 20th -21st centuries. With coverage from 1933 through 2012, it comprises 80 years of news reporting and commentary, charting the key US and global events during this period. Its diverse content beyond news and politics (in areas including business, science/technology, arts, travel, and family life) is such that there is valuable material for researchers in many fields, from history and political science through to economics, women's studies, and media history.
- Religious magazine archive This link opens in a new windowA searchable archive of magazines devoted to religious topics, spanning 19th-21st centuries. The publications were originally written by/for a wider populace rather than academic/cultural elites and offer insights into, for example, the influence of belief systems on public life, the history of popular religious movements and the means used by religions to gain adherents and communicate their ideologies. A wide variety of religions and denominations are represented, allowing for comparative studies of religions during this period.
- Rolling Stone Archive (The) This link opens in a new windowThe backfile of Rolling Stone, from its launch in 1967 to the present. One of the most influential consumer magazines of the 20th-21st centuries, it initially sought to reflect the cultural, social, and political outlook of a generation of students and young adults. It has been a leading vehicle for rock and popular music journalism, as well as covering wider entertainment topics such as film and popular culture. Major journalists and authors to have contributed include Hunter S. Thompson, Patti Smith, and Tom Wolfe.
- Vogue Archive (The) This link opens in a new windowThe Vogue Archive contains the backfile of Vogue magazine (US edition), spanning the first issue in 1892 to the current month, reproduced in high-resolution color page images. Issues are scanned from cover to cover, with article/page feature pages, advertisements, covers and fold-outs included, with rich indexing enabling users to find images by garment type, designer and brand names. The Vogue Archive preserves the work of the world's greatest fashion designers, stylists and photographers and is a unique record of American and international fashion, culture and society from the dawn of the modern era to the present day.In addition to the editorial content, all covers, advertisements and pictorial features have been captured as separate documents to allow for searching and discovery. For advertisements, the featured company and brand names have been assigned to the document records, and all image captions are captured to a high accuracy, allowing accurate retrieval of photographs and illustrations. Contributor names that appear in image credits, such as photographers, stylists and illustrators, are also indexed. You can also limit your search by journal editor, to find items published during the editorship of, say, Diana Vreeland (1963-71) or Anna Wintour (1988-present).The Vogue Archive also features specialist indexing of full-page images from photo features. This has been newly created by Condé Nast, with expert indexers using controlled lists to apply keywords to each separate image within a document. There are separate designated fields for Fashion Item (e.g. kimono, Breton jacket, scoop neckline), Person Pictured, Company/brand, Designer Name and Material (e.g. chiffon, wool, taffeta).
- Vogue Italia Archive This link opens in a new windowThe Vogue Italia Archive will make available the backfile - spanning more than half a century – of one of the most influential and renowned international editions of Vogue. Pages are reproduced in high-resolution color, with rich indexing enabling images to be searched by, for example, garment type, designer, and brand names. In addition to the editorial content, covers, advertisements, and pictorial features are captured as separate documents to permit effective searching and discovery.The magazine had a trade emphasis when it launched in 1964 but, from the outset, it regularly used leading photographers, such as Albert Watson, Helmut Newton, and Richard Avedon. It subsequently became more overtly a magazine of style and is now recognized as the most artistic edition of Vogue. Its many innovative, often controversial, initiatives include publishing an all-black issue (featuring only black models and offering articles about black women in the arts) and using plus-size cover models (part of a campaign against pro-anorexia websites).The archive spans all aspects of the fashion world, from trends and runway shows to personalities and industry initiatives. Among the leading photographers/directors to have contributed are Steven Meisel, Peter Lindberg, Bruce Weber, Paolo Roversi, Miles Aldridge, Ellen Von Unwerth, Solve Sundsbo, Mario Sorrenti, and Steve Hiett. Editorial content, however, extends beyond fashion, with high-quality coverage of many other topics, such as art, film, literature, music, cuisine, architecture/design, beauty/health, and travel. The magazine is also known for its social commentary and bold treatment of current issues and events, having addressed topics including environment/sustainability, cosmetic surgery, addiction, war and foreign policy, terrorism/security, and domestic violence.Vogue Italia's appeal is international, with almost half of its print issues typically being sold outside of Italy. Former editor, the late Franca Sozzani, spoke of the magazine's enduring ethos of maximizing its global reach through prioritizing visuals and recognizing that the image must be the real language of the magazine.
- Women's magazine archive This link opens in a new windowA searchable archive of leading women's interest magazines, dating from the 19th century through to the 21st. Subject coverage includes consumer culture, economics/marketing, family life, fashion, gender studies, health and fitness, home/interior design, popular culture, and social history. This database provides access to the complete archives of several 19th and 20th-century women's magazines. In combination, the publications cover topics such as family life, home economics, health, careers, fashion, culture, and many more; this material serves multiple research areas, from gender studies, social history, and the arts, through to education, politics and marketing/media history. The magazines are all scanned from cover to cover in high-resolution color and include non-article items, such as advertisements. Detailed article-level indexing, with document feature flags, enables searching and navigation.
- Youth and Popular Culture Magazine Archive This link opens in a new windowYouth and Popular Culture Magazine Archive showcases unique periodicals from 1940-present, highlighting topics and trends of youth culture such as fashion, rock and roll, sports, sexuality, dating, as well as youth portrayal in the media. These unique periodicals provide insight to what has and continues to influence youth culture, especially during times of rapid social and cultural change in the U.S. and the UK. At completion, this collection will have 250,000 pages from periodicals published in the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada.
Alexander Street Press Primary Source Databases
The following list is not exhaustive, but is representative of some of the databases in our collection. Please use the library search box (located at or library database list to determine if we have access to a specific database.
- Film Scripts Online This link opens in a new windowThe Film Scripts Online Series contains 1,500 film scripts--an exploration of culture and cinema through the decades. This highly structured archive offers a bibliographic and biographical database of directors and writers, along with the full text of the movies themselves. From the earliest silent films through to the present, the cultural attitudes and lifestyles are reflected in the medium. Students, instructors, and researchers use the Film Scripts Online Series for studying popular culture, film, diversity and gender issues, language and linguistics, writing, American history, anthropology, sociology, psychology, and other disciplines. American Film Scripts: Volume I contains hundreds of titles from classic American cinema, Film Scripts Online: Volume II focuses more on contemporary and international films. The volumes together are the most comprehensive collection of film scripts available to libraries anywhere in the world.
- British and Irish Women's Letters and Diaries This link opens in a new windowThis collection includes the immediate experiences of approximately 500 women, as revealed in over 100,000 pages of diaries and letters. Particular care has been taken to index this material so that it can be searched more thoroughly than ever before. The collection now includes primary materials spanning more than 300 years. Each source has been carefully chosen using leading bibliographies. The collection also includes biographies and an extensive annotated bibliography of the sources in the database.
- Coverage is of materials written between 1500 and 1900.
- Includes fulltext of documents.
- Early Encounters in North America This link opens in a new windowEarly Encounters in North America documents the relationships among peoples in North America from 1534 to 1850. The collection focuses on personal accounts and provides unique perspectives from all of the protagonists, including traders, slaves, missionaries, explorers, soldiers, native peoples, and officials, both men and women. The project brings coherence to a wide range of published and unpublished accounts, including narratives, diaries, photographs, journals, and letters.
- Latino literature This link opens in a new windowLatino Literature: Poetry, Drama, and Fiction includes more than 100,000 pages of poetry, short fiction, novels, and more than 450 plays. Nearly all of the content is in copyright, and most of the other items are long out of print or have never before been published. Besides serving as a rich resource for literature scholars, the collection also supports the study of American history, ethnic diversity, immigrations issues, and political history.
- North American Indian Thought and Culture This link opens in a new windowNorth American Indian Thought and Culture brings together more than 100,000 pages, many of which are previously unpublished, rare, or hard to find. The project integrates autobiographies, biographies, Indian publications, oral histories, personal writings, photographs, drawings, and audio files for the first time. The result is a comprehensive representation of historical events as told by the individuals who lived through them. The database is an essential resource for all those interested in serious scholarly research into the history of American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Canadian First Peoples.
- Oral history online This link opens in a new windowOral History Online provides in-depth indexing to more than 2,700 collections of Oral History in English from around the world. The collection also provides keyword searching of more than 329,400 pages of full-text by close to 10,000 individuals from all walks of life. It also contains pointers to over 4,200 audio and video files and almost 19,000 bibliographic records.
- World History in Video This link opens in a new windowThis online collection of streaming video gives faculty, students, and history lovers access to more than 1,750 important, critically acclaimed documentaries from filmmakers worldwide. A rich survey of human history from the earliest civilizations to the fall of the Berlin Wall, World History in Video is truly global in scope, covering Africa and the Americas, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and Oceania. Its unparalleled geographical and chronological coverage delivers the sights, sounds, artifacts, and histories from around the world straight to your desktop.
- Women and social movements in the United States 1600-2000 This link opens in a new windowWomen and social movements in the United States is a resource for students and scholars of U.S. history and U.S. women's history. Organized around the history of women in social movements in the U.S. between 1700 and 2000, the website seeks to advance scholarly debates and understanding at the same time that it makes the insights of women's history accessible to teachers and students at universities, colleges, and high schools.
The following list is not exhaustive, but is representative of some of the databases in our collection. Please use the library search box (located at or library database list to determine if we have access to a specific database.
- Music online. African American music reference This link opens in a new windowBrings together text reference, biographies, chronologies, sheet music, images, lyrics, liner notes, and discographies which chronicle the diverse history and culture of the African American experience through music. The database is constantly expanding to include comprehensive coverage of blues, jazz, spirituals, civil rights songs, slave songs, minstrelsy, rhythm and blues, gospel, and other forms of black American musical expression.
- Anthropological fieldwork online This link opens in a new windowAnthropological Fieldwork Online brings the fieldwork underpinning the great ethnographies of the early 20th century into the digital world. This fully indexed, primary source database unfolds the historical development of anthropology from a global perspective, bringing together the work of early scholars who shaped the theories and methods students learn about, critique and re-shape today. Content is focused around each scholar's prominent field experience, with comprehensive inclusion of fieldwork, contextualizing documents from the same time period, including correspondence, and subsequent writings that led to major publications such as draft manuscripts, lectures and articles. Scholars can trace the full scholarly process in all of its stages, from qualitative data gathering to analysis through publication, while cross-searching contemporaneous research from the most important scholars in the discipline. Includes the original fieldwork of anthropologists such as: Bronislaw Malinowski, Victor and Edith Turner, Max Gluckman, Raymond Firth, Ruth Benedict, Charles Seligman, Edith Durham and others.
- Audio drama : the L.A. Theatre Works collection This link opens in a new windowThis collection will include more than 300 dramatic works in streaming audio from the curated archive of The L.A. Theatre Works radio theatre company. The plays are performed by leading actors from around the world and recorded specifically for online listening. The collection presents classics of the Western canon, modern works by American luminaries, originally commissioned plays, and high profile docudramas by both renowned and emerging playwrights. The plays are chosen not only for their literary significance, but also for their ability to challenge presumptions and examine complicated moral and ethical questions. Critical essays, annotated playlists, and scene-level indexing by known figures in medicine, academia, politics, and other fields will draw connections from the plays to issues and topics in the humanities, social sciences, theatre, hard sciences, law, medicine, and other fields of study. Audio Drama's teaching tools include playlists, permanent URLs for electronic course reserves, and optional downloads.
- Contemporary World Drama This link opens in a new windowThis collection examines the richness and diversity of contemporary theatre and drama from a global context. Contemporary World Drama brings together new work from our existing playwright partners alongside work from up-and-coming playwrights from around the world, including recently produced world premieres, previously unpublished works, etc. from every continent.
- Dance Online: Dance Studies Collection This link opens in a new windowDance Online: Dance Studies Collection presents the historical context of 20th and 21st century dance through 150,000 pages of exclusive photographs, correspondence, magazines, dance notation, and reference material that dissolve the distance between archive and scholar and draw dance students into the library.
- Disability in the Modern World This link opens in a new windowAt completion, Disability in the Modern World will include 150,000 pages of primary sources, supporting materials, and archives, along with 125 hours of video. The content is essential for teaching and research--not only in the growing disciplines of disability history and disability studies, but also in history, media, the arts, political science, education, and other areas where the contributions of the disability community are typically overlooked.
- Early Encounters in North America This link opens in a new windowEarly Encounters in North America documents the relationships among peoples in North America from 1534 to 1850. The collection focuses on personal accounts and provides unique perspectives from all of the protagonists, including traders, slaves, missionaries, explorers, soldiers, native peoples, and officials, both men and women. The project brings coherence to a wide range of published and unpublished accounts, including narratives, diaries, photographs, journals, and letters.
- Engineering Case Studies Online This link opens in a new windowProvides video and text material focusing on engineering failures and successes around the world, the areas includes: aerospace, civil and environmental, electrical, mechanical, etc. It offers 250 hours of videos and 50,000 pages of text material including documentaries, accident reports, experiments, visualizations, case studies, lectures and interviews from leading engineering institutions. Materials come from a wide range of content partners, including the Digital Rights Group, BBC, Future Media, TVF International, as well as leading academic publishers such as Princeton University Press, John Wiley & Sons, Harvard University Press, and engineering associations such as the American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Ethnographic Video Online: Royal Anthropological Institute Teaching Edition This link opens in a new windowEthnographic Video Online, Royal Anthropological Institute Teaching Edition is a curriculum-aligned collection of videos and segments curated to support the teaching of introductory anthropology courses. Each video and segment within this collection are accompanied by a teaching guide providing background information, lesson plans, and class room exercises and activities. There are a variety of themes that are discussed including family and kinship, gender roles, cultural identity, belief systems and other topics centered around diversity, change, and culture. All teaching material within this collection are created by the Education Committee of the Royal Anthropological Institute.
- Film Scripts Online This link opens in a new windowThe Film Scripts Online Series contains 1,500 film scripts--an exploration of culture and cinema through the decades. This highly structured archive offers a bibliographic and biographical database of directors and writers, along with the full text of the movies themselves. From the earliest silent films through to the present, the cultural attitudes and lifestyles are reflected in the medium. Students, instructors, and researchers use the Film Scripts Online Series for studying popular culture, film, diversity and gender issues, language and linguistics, writing, American history, anthropology, sociology, psychology, and other disciplines. American Film Scripts: Volume I contains hundreds of titles from classic American cinema, Film Scripts Online: Volume II focuses more on contemporary and international films. The volumes together are the most comprehensive collection of film scripts available to libraries anywhere in the world.
- Food Studies Online This link opens in a new window
- Access to: Food studies online, or Food studies online video channel
Provides researchers rich archival content, visual ephemera, monographs, and videos that explore how food shapes the world around us. - Gilded Age (The) This link opens in a new windowThe Gilded Age brings primary documents and scholarly commentary together into a searchable collection that is the definitive electronic resource for students and scholars researching this important period in American history. In addition to an extensive selection of key treatises that reflect the social and cultural ferment of the late nineteenth century, The Gilded Age offers a wealth of rare materials, including songs, letters, photographs, cartoons, government documents, and ephemera. This primary content is enhanced by video interviews with scholars and numerous topical critical documentary essays specially commissioned for the project by Alexander Street Press. Covering such themes as race, labor, immigration, commerce, western expansion, and women’s suffrage, these essays illuminate the rapidly changing cultural landscape of America during the decades between the end of the Civil War and the election of Theodore Roosevelt.
- Manuscript Women's Letters and Diaries This link opens in a new windowThis collection will bring together 105,000 pages of the personal writings of women of the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries, displayed as high-quality images of the original manuscripts, Semantically Indexed and online for the first time. The collection is drawn entirely from the extensive holdings of the American Antiquarian Society.
- Mass Incarceration and Prison Studies This link opens in a new windowThis curated database provides a rare breadth of study for students to investigate both crucial global trends in mass incarceration, and the detailed prison infrastructure of specific countries. Mass Incarceration and Prison Studies is organized around a selection of key historical and contemporary events and themes, bringing together archival and reference materials, court cases, first-hand accounts, videos, Supreme Court audio files, research on rehabilitation, training materials and artistic works. The collection examines prison populations and their relationship to major prison labor systems; and how correctional facilities may serve as central service providers for those with mental health issues. Other events include: the use of the death penalty; the history of correctional institutions for juvenile offenders; internment camps; prison gangs and riots; the loss of rights for prisoners. Materials are featured on specific prisons such as Alcatraz, Sing Sing, Rikers, Norway’s prison, Halden fengsel and its rehabilitation within the prison system. Students have the opportunity to survey the topic of DNA for prisoner exoneration; the U.S. War on Drugs; prison culture and identity; and the prison industrial complex. The wide array of subjects includes: AIDS, alternatives to imprisonment, children of prisoners, commercial products made in prisons, forced resettlement and transgender persons.
- Music online. Classical scores library This link opens in a new windowContains classical scores from both in-copyright and public domain editions. The major composers output is represented, as well as many lesser known composers and works. Content in the database includes in-copyright material from Boosey and Hawkes and selected material from the University Music Editions microfilm series. The collection includes works spanning time periods from the Renaissance to the 21st century. Coverage of score types is comprehensive, with full scores, study scores, piano and vocal scores, and piano reductions. Note: Not licensed for public performance.
- Music online. Garland encyclopedia of world music This link opens in a new windowThe Garland encyclopedia of world music online is a comprehensive online resource devoted to music research of all the world's peoples. Each volume contains an overview of a geographic region, a survey of its musical heritage, and a description of specific musical genres, practices, and performances. Articles include detailed photographs that show musicians, musical instruments, and the cultural context of dances, rituals, and ceremonies. Other images include drawings, maps, and musical examples for further study. Contains the entire set of 10 print volumes (over 9,200 pages) as well as complete indexing for genre, subject, instrument, place, person, ensemble, and cultural group, as well as links to the associated audio examples for each volume.
- North American Indian Drama : second edition This link opens in a new windowFull text of plays by American Indian, First Nation, and Pacific Islanders playwrights of the 20th century; information about the plays and their production, and biographical data. The collection represents groups across the United States and Canada, including Cherokee, Métis, Creek, Choctaw, Pembina Chippewa, Ojibway, Lenape, Comanche, Cree, Navajo, Rappahannock, Hawaiian/Samoan, and others. Also includes issues of the Native playwrights' newsletter
- Revolution and Protest Online This link opens in a new windowExplores the protest movements, revolutions, and civil wars that have transformed societies and human experience from the 18th century through the present. Organized around more than 30 events and areas, representing a variety of time periods, regions, and topics, the collection will include at completion 175 hours of video, 100,000 pages of printed material and personal papers, and more than 1,000 images.
- Security issues Online This link opens in a new window
- Access to: Security issues online, or Security issues online video channel
Security issues online delves into conflicts, policies, and relationships that have impacted the global arena throughout modern history. This collection includes video and 100,000 pages of printed materials (personal papers, organizations, government documents, journals, reports, monographs, and speeches). It is organized around more than forty events and areas and includes a wide array of themes such as terrorism and counterterrorism, insurgency and counterinsurgency, cybersecurity, ethnic conflicts and resolution, and nuclear threats. - Twentieth Century Religious Thought Library This link opens in a new windowTwentieth Century Religious Thought Library is a multivolume, cross-searchable online collection that brings together the seminal works and archival materials related to worldwide religious thinkers from the early 1900s until the first decade of the 21st century. This online collection represents voices from Islam, Judaism, Eastern Religions, and Christianity including: an international selection of English-language editions of key authors. This database provides resources to further explore Christian-Muslim-Jewish relations and key concepts in theology across religions, including Eastern Religions. It supports research and teaching in comparative religion, theology, world religion, religion and law, religion and politics, and serves as an important resource for courses and scholarship in Middle Eastern studies, social theory, feminist studies, philosophy, and world history. Future releases will include works by other significant thinkers and additional archival content. Upon completion, the collection will include more than 400,000 pages of printed works and primary sources.
- Underground and Independent Comics, Comix, and Graphic Novels This link opens in a new windowPrimary source database focusing on North American and European adult comic books and graphic novels. The collection includes original material from the 1950s to today along with interviews, commentary, theory, and criticism from journals, books, and magazines.
- Last Updated: Jan 9, 2025 8:52 AM
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