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APA Citation Tools & Resources

Citation tools & resources for students and scholars using the APA style guide

Resources for publishing your work



Reference in Manual

Reference on Website

Journal Article Reporting Standards

Authors can follow reporting standards to increase transparency and clarity, enhance scientific rigor, and reproducibility of their research. There is one for each type of study design including Quantitative, Qualitative and Mixed-methods studies.

Chapter 3

Abstract and keyword guide

APA 7 provides guidance on both the content and the formatting of an abstract. It also provides guidance on how to use keywords, how to format and where to place them in an article

Chapter 2.

Section 2.9 & 2.10

Sample cover letter – Initial submission

Cover letter to editor of a journal for an initial manuscript submission

Chapter 12

Section 12.7

Sample cover letter - Revise and resubmit

Cover letter to the editor of a journal for a resubmitted manuscript

Chapter 12

Section 12.7

Response to reviewers guide

How to prepare a response to reviewers

Chapter 12

Section 12.8

Glossary of research terms

This is a glossary of terms that are used in the Journal Article Reporting Standards

Online supplement to Ch 3.

Professional paper – headings sample

This example shows when and how to use headings in your manuscript

Chapter 2

Section 2.27

Bias-free language

Some general principles on writing about people and their characteristics in a bias-free way

Chapter 5

Sections 5.1 & 5.2

Mechanics of style This section provides guidelines on punctuation, capitalization, italics, abbreviations, numbers, equations, lists, etc. Chapter 6 

Then scroll down to Mechanics of style

Tables and figures Guidelines for figures and tables in a manuscript Chapter 7
Copyright and permissions Guidelines for adapting materials, copyright attribution, permission and fair use, etc.

Chapter 12

Section 12.14 - 12.18


Resources to support your teaching

APA provides additional resources to aid instructors. These resources can be shared with students as they are freely available on the website.

1. Student title page guide - A guide that discusses what should go into the title page of a student paper.

2. Annotated student sample paper - A fully annotated sample student paper.

3. Student paper: headings template - A sample that shows what different levels of headings for a student paper should look like.

4. Discussion phrases guide - This is a great guide for students learning how to write a discussion section in their early years. it covers suggested phrases for different sections in a discussion including results, implications, limitations, directions for future research, etc.