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Canadian Music

Resources for researching current and historical music in Canada

Canadian Music Centre is a national organization comprised of five branches across the country, championing contemporary composition since 1959.  CMC is a wonderful resource for researchers and performers looking for information about Canadian composers and direct access to composition materials in the Classical genre. CMC maintains a collection of digital and printed music material, as well as recording resources, both through streaming access on their website as well as their recording label Centrediscs. CMC Prairie Region is located on the UCalgary campus in Craigie Hall Room G203, at the top of the stairs of the University Theatre lobby.  This office represents Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba, and is home to the Violet Archer Library with scores available on-site for research and perusal.  CMC Prairie publishes a monthly newsletter with highlights of composer activities, performances of new works, competitions and awards, and pertinent updates.  Sign up for the newsletter at CMC Prairie Region and visit the office in person Monday-Friday.