German Studies
The guide serves as a key information resource and is customized to support the teaching, research and scholarship for students and scholars of German language and literature

Key Resources
- MLA International BibliographyThe database is a subject index for books, articles and websites published on modern languages, literatures, folklore, and linguistics.
- Bibliographie der deutschen Sprach- und LiteraturwissenschaftenElectronic equivalent of Bibliographie der deutschen Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften
- Academic Search CompleteThe database provides a comprehensive scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database, with more than 5,500 full-text periodicals, including more than 4,600 peer-reviewed journals.
- KVK - Karlsruher Virtueller KatalogBook search interface for more than 500 million books and serials in library and book trade catalogs worldwide.
Key Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Grammars & Handbooks
Compact Oxford German Dictionary by Oxford Dictionaries Staff
Call Number: PF3640 .O94 2013ISBN: 9780199663125Publication Date: 2013-06-10The Compact Oxford German Dictionary covers over 90,000 words and phrases, and 120,000 translations of contemporary German and English. This handy reference book covers all the words you need, based on findings from the Oxford Languages Tracker and the Oxford English Corpus. Also beneficial, it includes German cultural and grammar supplements to help you improve on your everyday German. Discover more on, Oxford's hub for dictionaries and language reference.German Dictionary of Idioms by Hans Schemann
Call Number: PF3460 .S345 1995ISBN: 0415172551This two-volume set features a dictionary of German/English idioms in volume one, while volume two is an English/German dictionary of idioms.Encyclopedia of German Literature by Matthias Konzett (Editor)
Call Number: PT41 .E53 2000 V.1ISBN: 1579581382First Published in 2000 and available online.Modern German Grammar Workbook by John Klapper; Ruth Whittle; Bill Dodd; Christine Eckhard-Black; Heidi Zojer
Call Number: OnlineISBN: 9780203428306Modern German Grammar Workbook, Second Edition, is an innovative book of exercises and language tasks for all learners of German.
Key Journals
- Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und LiteraturArticles on German language and literature, with a focus on older periods and on the history and development of German language.
- The German quarterlyPublishes articles in literary and cultural studies.
- German studies reviewScholarly journal of the German Studies Association. It includes articles and book reviews in history, literature, culture studies & political science.
- MonatshefteOldest continuing journal of German Studies in the U.S. It offers scholarly articles dealing with literature and culture of German-speaking countries, as well as extensive book reviews of current scholarship in German Studies.
- Last Updated: Sep 3, 2024 2:42 PM
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