German Studies
The guide serves as a key information resource and is customized to support the teaching, research and scholarship for students and scholars of German language and literature
Web Portals
- Deutsche BiografieThe Neue Deutsche Biographie (NDB, New German Biography) published by the Historical Commission at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences informs in brief, scholarly well-founded articles about deceased persons whose actions and work have had a substantial influence on political, economic, social, scholarly/ scientific, technical or artistic developments.
- recensio.netA Europe-wide, multi-language platform for reviews of historical literature. The reviews and publications on the platform focus on work published in Europe and featuring European topics. The platform’s navigational languages are English, German and French, while the reviews may be written in any European language.
Browse the Shelves
To browse for reference books related to German studies on the shelves, use the call number PT. The reference section is located on the 1. Floor of the Taylor Family Digital Library.
- PT1 - PT2621: German literature
PT83 - PT873: History of German literature
PT1100 - PT1479: Collections (Poetry, Drama, Prose, etc.)
PT1501- PT2621: Individual authors or works
Brockhaus Enzyklopädie : in 30 Bänden by Zwahr, Annette
Call Number: AE27 .G7 2005 BD.1ISBN: 3765341010
Biographical Resources
Deutsches Literatur-Lexikon : das 20. Jahrhundert : biographisches-bibliographisches Handbuch by Kosch, Wilhelm
Call Number: PT401 .D48 BD.1ISBN: 3908255007Biographisches Handbuch der deutschsprachigen Emigration nach 1933 by Röder, Werner
Call Number: JV6081 .B56 1980 V.1ISBN: 3598100876Dictionary of German Biography by Walther Killy; Rudolf Vierhaus; Dietrich von Engelhardt
Call Number: CT1053 .D4813 V.1ISBN: 359823290XThe "Dictionary of German Biography is unique, complete and comprehensive with biographies of nearly 61,000 people from the German-speaking world.
- Last Updated: Sep 3, 2024 2:42 PM
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