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TFDL Makerspace Training

Online training for TFDL makerspace equipment

This page provides information about the 3D Print Service at the Taylor Family Digital Library.  Please read this carefully before submitting your print request. 

What equipment and materials do we use?

  • We use a Prusa MK3S. 

  • We only print using polylactic acid (PLA) filament.  PLA is a recyclable bioplastic  

    • PLA filament does not contain BPA or cause air quality degradation. 

    • We will not print in ABS or other material types.

Who is eligible to 3D Print?

  • The TFDL 3D print service is available to people with a e-mail address.  

  • We prioritize academic prints.  

  • We also reserve the right to refuse any print request at our discretion.

What size of object is eligible to print?

  • We limit prints to 200g.  

  • The maximum build dimensions are 210 x 210 x 200 mm.  

  • Very complex or fine-detailed models are printed at our discretion.

How much does it cost?

$0.25 per gram + a $1.00 set up fee.

What is the process for a full-serve 3D print?

  1. Verify the model has no geometry defects (is solid/ watertight); if a model has holes on the surface or internal geometry, the part will not be suitable for printing.  Most design programs have a feature dedicated to correcting these errors under different terms like "make manifold" or "Cap holes". 
  2. Save the model as a .stl file and submit it through this web form
  3. We use our slicing software to estimate the cost, check for possible print issues, and email you a cost estimate.
  4. Reply to the email to approve (or deny) the print. 
  5. Once approved, the model goes into the print queue and is printed as time allows.  
  6. After the print is finished, you will be emailed a notification that it is complete.  Within a day you will receive another email with a fines notification. Follow the notification's instructions on how pay your invoice.
  7. Once fine payment has been verified by 3D print service staff, you will receive a pickup notification email and the print will be at the 1st floor TFDL service desk for pickup.  Please bring valid photo ID.

3D Printing Policies

  1. The library's 3D printers may only be used for lawful academic purposes. No one is permitted to create material that is:
    • For commercial purposes
    • Prohibited by local, provincial, or federal law.
    • Unsafe, harmful, dangerous, or poses an immediate threat to the well-being of others.
    • In violation of another's intellectual property rights. For example, you cannot reproduce material subject to copyright, patent, or trademark protection.
  2. The library reserves the right to refuse any 3D print request.
  3. The library cannot guarantee model quality or stability, nor confidentiality of designs. The user is responsible for removing support materials.
  4. Prints must be picked up by the individual who submitted them, using valid ID, at the first-floor service desk in the TFDL. 
    • Prints not picked up within 30 days after being printed become the property of the Library.
  5. We make no guarantee of turnaround time on prints, and will not provide any ETA on completion or any information on your place in the queue. Prioritization in the queue includes:
    • Academic priority
    • Print time
    • Color
    • Number of other prints in the queue
    • Staff workload.   
  6. While we want all prints to be successful, our staff do not have the resources to create models upon request. Users are responsible for the quality of the submitted model.

Before Submiting a Job please remember

  • We limit prints to 200g.
  • $0.25 per gram + a $1.00 set up fee.

Submit a print using our online form.

Our staff will be in touch to discuss any problems with your model and to provide a cost estimate. Once an estimate is provided, you will be asked to approve your job before it is printed.

If you experience an error submitting the form, please contact us with your name and the time you tried to submit the form. 

Your library account will be billed for your print cost. Once you pay the fee via our online system, prints will be available for pickup at the Taylor Family Digital Library’s main service desk, during library open hours. Rush orders will not be accommodated.

Where can I get help?

If you have any questions or concerns, please email