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Bachelor of Health Sciences

What is Peer Review?

  • "Peer Review" is a process for assessing the rigour of a scholarly submission to a journal (or conference). 
    • Articles that are peer-reviewed are reviewed by colleagues/peers in a similar field, and authors and journal editors are provided with feedback on the relevance and quality of the submission, and its suitability for publication (or presentation at a conference).
  • Blind peer review is a process whereby the reviewers know the identity of the authors, but the authors do not know who the reviewers are.
    • Double blind peer review requires anonymization of the submission (including references to lab/institution etc) and both the reviewers and the authors do not know the identity of the other
    • In an open peer-review process, peer-reviewers are known to authors and readers of journals.
  • Not all  scholarly publications are peer-reviewed and not all of the content published in a peer-reviewed journal may undergo a peer-review process (As an example, letters to the editor may not be peer-reviewed).
  • Visit our guide to Scholarly Communication for more information on the scholarly publication process.

Levels of Peer Review