Books, databases, articles, economic indicators, organizations and more about the field of economics
- Calgary and Region Economic Outlook (City of Calgary)The City of Calgary monitors and forecasts key indicators for the local economy and the results are published twice a year in the spring and the fall.
- Calgary Aggregate Data And Statistics guide from SANDSAggregate data are statistics organized into a data structure or database based on tabulations organized by geography, time or social observations.
- City of Calgary:Current Economic AnalysisThis monthly report contains comments, analysis and statistical illustrations of a set of economic indicators.
- Calgary & Area Labour Market Quarterly and Annual ReportsFind labour market and economic information and analysis, and a review of labour market issues.
- Calgary Economic DevelopmentCurrent and forecast economic indicators and economic development strategy.
- InFact / Conference Board of Canada This link opens in a new windowConference Board of Canada issues regular reports on economic outlook at the national, provincial and municipal levels.Get inFact’s full suite of economic forecasts and human resources research. This all-access subscription is the ultimate insights package with access to over 10,000 premium research reports and forecasts.
- Last Updated: Oct 2, 2024 8:13 AM
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