Archives and Special Collections (ASC)
Library Catalogue
The UCalgary Library Catalogue allows for searching of individual rare books and archival fonds in ASC. It also includes books, articles, and databases accessible to UCalgary community members. If you are not affiliated with UCalgary, you can still request access to archival material.
I. Searching for Rare Books and Special Publications
To search the library holdings of ASC, use the following steps.
1. Select "UofC Collections" in the "Search for" section.
2. Select "Physical Collections" in the "Search Scope" section.
3. Type the name or subject you are interested in searching in the "Search Filters" section.
4. Select the "Search" button or press "Enter".
5. Select "Archives and Special Collections" from the "Library" filter along the left-hand menu.
II. Searching for Archival Fonds or Collections
The UCalgary Library Catalogue can also be used to search for archival fonds or collections held by ASC. These results will redirect to the Search Archives database.
1. Select "UofC Collections" in the "Search for" section:
2. Select "Archives" in the "Search Scope":
3. Type the name or subject you are interested in searching in the "Search Filters" section.
- Last Updated: Oct 9, 2024 11:50 AM
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