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Map Resources at UCalgary and Beyond

SANDS Introduction

Spatial and Numeric Data Services (SANDS) is the unit within Libraries and Cultural Resources at UCalgary dedicated to helping researchers access and use maps, air photos and geospatial data.

The collections we work are:

  • The SANDS map collection of approximately 200,000 maps
  • The Glenbow maps collection of more than 15,000 maps (formerly at the Glenbow archives)
  • The SANDS air photo collection of over 1,000,000 air photos
  • Over 4TB of spatial data

A person points to something on a map of Alberta.

Guide Introduction

This guide outlines how to search the UCalgary map collection, and highlights other map sources. This guide includes:

See our Air Photos Search Guide and GIS Resources Guide for other resources.

Ackowledgement of Maps as a Symbol of Colonization.

The team at SANDS would like to acknowledge that many maps in our collection are symbols of colonization. Historic maps of Canada often document the parcelling and distribution of lands to settlers, among other acts of colonization.

Please note that the language, terminology or visual content in our historical collections reflect the context and culture of the time of its creation, and may include culturally insensitive information. As an historical document, its contents may be at odds with contemporary views and terminology. The information within the collection does not reflect the views of the University of Calgary, but is available in its original form to facilitate research. Please email with any concerns or questions.

Copyright Statement

The University of Calgary fulfills requests for materials in our collections in accordance with Canadian copyright laws and applicable licensing agreements. The University of Calgary does not hold the copyright for the cartographic materials. The University of Calgary Libraries and Cultural Resources may provide copyright protected materials for individual and research purposes under fair dealing and library exceptions in the Canadian Copyright Act. Permission to publish, copy, or otherwise use the content must be obtained from the copyright holder for any works under copyright protection. Patrons are responsible for ensuring they use copyright protected works in accordance with applicable laws.

SANDS Contact Information

Spatial and Numeric Data Services

Rm 466, Taylor Family Digital Library

By appointment only.

Telephone: 403-220-6822
