EndNote Citation Tool
An introduction to EndNote Desktop version and EndNote Online / Web (free version).
Addtional ways to collect and work with references
Need to bulk import large number of search results? EndNote libraries can hold an unlimited number of records. However, databases may limit the number of records for specific export methods.
To get the maximum number of records out of various databases at one time use the steps below.
PUBMED - To export ALL search results |
OVID SP databases (i.e. Medline, Embase, APA PsycInfo) - To export batches of up to 1000 records |
EBSCO databases (i.e. CINAHL, Academic Search Complete, etc.) - To export ALL results |
- Select Share then Export Results: Email a link…
- Complete the e-mail form, choose RIS Format and select Send.
- You will be e-mailed a link to a .zip file. Download and extract the file.
- Within EndNote select File and select Import
- Browse to the saved file, choose Import Option: Reference Manager (RIS), and Import
WEB OF SCIENCE - To export ALL results |
- Click Export to EndNote Desktop after performing a search query
- Choose the radio button Records 1-1000 (no more than 1000 records at a time) to import
- Under Record Content, select Full Record, click Export
- Use the Research Soft Direct Export Helper feature to import the references to EndNote
How to Export References from EndNote Desktop into Excel |
- Export references from EndNote 20 to ExcelA more detailed overview of how references in EndNote can be imported into an Excel file
Follow the steps below to export references from EndNote into an Excel file
- In EndNote go to Edit > Output Styles > Open Style Manager
- Place a check next to Tab Delimited from the list and close the Style Manager window
- Highlight the references you wish to export or use Edit then Select All to export the references
- Select the Style 'Tab Delimited' from the drop down box
- Select Copy or CTR+K from the Edit menu
- Open Excel and place the cursor in cell A2
- Paste or CTRL+V to import in Excel. You should now have the data in Excel.
Manuscript Matcher identifies the most relevant and impactful journals then finds the ideal place for your published work.
- Last Updated: Jan 14, 2025 2:49 PM
- URL: https://libguides.ucalgary.ca/guides/endnote
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