Architecture & Design
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Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art (Queensland Art Gallery, Gallery of Modern Art)
- Web site:
- Most recent: 6th, 2009/10
- Publications in the Library Catalogue (searching Asia Pacific Triennial Contemporary Art)
Berlin Biennale
- 6th, 2010 English Web site:
- Publications in the Library Catalogue (searching Berlin Biennale)
Bienal Internacional de São Paulo
- 28th Bienal de São Paulo In Living Contact (October 26 - December 6, 2008): English Web site.
- 27a. Bienal de São Paulo Como Viver Junto= How We Live Together: Texts of the seminars (2006) in English
- Publications in the Library Catalogue (searching Bienal Sao Paulo)
Biennale de Montréal (Centre international d’art contemporain de Montréal)
- Biennale Montréal, May 1-31, 2009:
- Biennale de Montréal 5th, 2007:
- Includes links to previous Biennales
- Publications in the Library Catalogue (searching Biennale Montréal as author)
Biennale di Venezia
- English Web site:
- Most recent: 52nd, 2007
- Publications in the Library Catalogue:
- Art general catalogues in print: N6488 .I8 V438 (click call number to search catalogue)
- International Architectural Exhibiton, search Library Catalogue
- Other related publications in Library Catalogue
- Publications of the Venice Biennale, 1895-1977, on microfiche. Part 1, Art, architecture and photography: N5073 .V4 P82
Biennale of Sydney
- 16th, 2008 Web site:
- Publications in the Library Catalogue (searching Biennale Sydney)
Biennial exhibiton (Whitney Museum of American Art)
- Whitney Biennial 2008 Web site:
- Publications in the Library Catalogue (searching Whitney biennial$)
Documenta (Held every 5 years)
- Documenta Web site:
Includes links to:- Documenta 13: June 9 - September 16, 2012, Kassel
- Documenta 1-12: 1955-2007
- Main publications in Library Catalogue (searching Documenta as author)
ICP Triennial of Photography and Video (International Center of Photography)
- 3rd, September 18, 2008 - January 3, 2010 Web site:
- Publications in the Library Catalogue (searching ICP Triennial)
International SITE Santa Fe Biennial
- SITE Santa Fe Web site:
- Most recent: 7th, 2008
- Publications in the Library Catalogue (searching SITE Santa Fe)
National Design Triennial (Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum)
- 3rd, 2006 Web site:
- Publications in the Library Catalogue (searching National Design Triennial)
Québec Triennial (Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal)
- Publications in the Library Catalogue (searching Québec Triennial as author)
Tate Triennial
- February 3 - April 26, 2009 exhibition Web site:
- Publications the Library Catalogue (searching Tate triennial)
Web Sites
Web sites with lists of biennials:
Athens Biennial
Beijinb International Biennale
Beijing International New Media Arts Exhibition
Biennial of the End of the World (Usuhaia, Teirra del Fuego, ARgentina)
Bucharest International Biennial for Contemporary Art
Busan Biennial (Korea)
Cairo Biennale
CAPE Biennale (Cape Toiwn, South AFrica)
Biennale Ceara America (Brazil)
Carnegie International
Cetinje Biennale (Balkans)
Dak'Art (Senegal)
Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennial (Japan)
Fukkuoka Asian Art Triennial
Goteburg International Biennial for Contemporary ARt (Sweden)
Guangzhou Triennial (China)
Gwangju Biennale (South Korea)
Periferic Bienala de Arta Contemporana (Iasi, Eastern Romania)
Trienal de Luanda (Angola)
Moscow Biennial
Momentum Nordic Biennial
Skulptur Projekte Muuenster
Prague Biennale
Seoul International Media Art Biennale
Bienal Internacional de ARte contemporaneo de Sevilla
Shanghai biennale
Taipei Biennial of Contemporary Art
Thessaloniki Biennale of Contemporary Art (we have one on order)
Tirana Biennale (Albania)
Torino Triennalle
Bienal de Valencia
Yokohama International Triennale of Contemporary Art
- Last Updated: Dec 6, 2024 1:37 PM
- URL:
- Print Page