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Chemistry dictionary for Word & Open Office
Download this dictionary to your laptop or home computer so that chemical names don't show up as typos (with the red squiggly lines under them.) There are about 104,000 terms in the dictionary, focusing more on the organic side of chemistry.
Search dissertations & theses
Search for dissertations/theses to see others' methods, etc.
- PRISM (formerly D-Space)UofC theses in digital format, and data for all UofC theses held within the University Archives.
- Search other UofC dissertations/theses databasesProQuest dissertations and theses is a good start.
- Creating Effective Poster Presentationsby G. Hess, K. Tosney, L. Liegel
- Templates from files in several dimensions (e.g. 36"x48", etc.)
Style guides, abbreviations, & bibliographic software
Style guides
- The ACS style guide (print) (online, to be retired March 2020)
Ch. 14 References from the 2006 edition
Basic Author guidelines from the American Chemical Society's Web page - CSE Style Guide (for SCIE courses)
- Honesty in Academics. Plagiarism defined at the University of Calgary
- Core Journals and Abbreviations Covered in CAPlus (Chemical Abstracts/SciFinder Scholar)
- CAS Source Index (CASSI) Search Tool for searching abbreviations
- Beyond CASSI for historical abbreviations
- Science and Engineering Journal Abbreviations (maintained by K. Lindstrom, Woodward Library, UBC)
Bibliographic software
Resources for Writing a Thesis or Dissertation
- The Faculty of Graduate Studies' thesis page
- The Student Success Centre's Writing Support Service offers workshops for graduate students and individual consultations/tutorials
Web resources for writing
- Writing Guidelines for Engineering and Science StudentsWritten by Penn State, Georgia Tech, University of Illinois, University of Texas, and Virginia Tech
Books on scientific writing
- The Craft of Scientific Writing by Michael AlleyCall Number: T11 .A44 [TFDL and HDL]ISBN: 0387947663Publication Date: 1998-09-02Designed to help both professional and student scientists and engineers write clearly and effectively, this text approaches the subject in a fresh way. Using scores of examples from a wide variety of authors and disciplines, the author - himself a writer and physicist -- demonstrates the difference between strong and weak scientific writing, and how to convey ideas to the intended audience. In addition, he gives advice on how to start writing, and how to revise drafts, including many suggestions about approaching a wide variety of tasks - from laboratory reports to grant proposals, from internal communications to press releases - as well as a concise guide to appropriate style and usage.
- How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper by Barbara Gastel; Robert A. DayCall Number: T11 .D33ISBN: 9781440842627Publication Date: 2016-03-28Now thoroughly updated and expanded, this new edition of a classic guide offers practical advice on preparing and publishing journal articles as well as succeeding in other communication-related aspects of a scientific career. Writing and publishing journal articles are essential aspects of a successful scientific career. Unfortunately, many scientists find the process of communicating about their work intimidating and confusing. Now in its eighth edition, How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper teaches how to apply clear focus, good organization, and simple, straightforward language to write papers as well as communicate effectively in many other scientifically related applications. By providing practical, readable, and sometimes humorous guidance, this book enables researchers to gain the knowledge, skills, and confidence to succeed in communicating about their work. The authors not only guide readers in the craft of scientific writing--broken down into the separate tasks of writing the respective sections of a scientific paper and then publishing the paper--but also address important related psychological, ethical, logistical, and cultural considerations in communicating about science. Chapter topics include composing (and requesting) recommendation letters, writing grant proposals, providing peer review, editing one's own work, preparing oral presentations and poster presentations, and working with the popular media. This is an essential resource for researchers--both native and non-native users of English--with limited experience writing scientific papers, such as graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and early-career faculty members. * Provides practical, easy-to-read, and immediately applicable guidance on preparing each part of a scientific paper: from the title and abstract, through each section of the main text, to the acknowledgments and references * Explains step by step how to decide to which journal to submit a paper, what happens to a paper after submission, and how to work effectively with a journal throughout the publication process * Includes key advice on other communication important to success in scientific careers, such as giving presentations and writing proposals * Presents an insightful insider's view of how journals actually work--and describes how best to work with them
- How to write & publish a scientific paper, 6th ed (ebook)ISBN: 0585069239
- Make your mark in science : creativity, presenting, publishing, and patents : a guide for young scientistsCall Number: Q223 .A75 2005 [TFDL]ISBN: 0471657336
- Scientific papers and presentationsISBN: 0120884240
- Last Updated: Dec 6, 2024 7:09 AM
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