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What's on This Page?
More Information on Patents
Patent and Trademarks Research Guide from Texas A&M
- What every chemist should know about patents and its 2006 supplement (from US-based ACS' Committee on Patents and Related Matters. The general info on what a U.S. patent looks like is useful. Also useful if applying for a U.S. patent.)
- SureChem ~15 million chemical structures data-mined from patents. More info from Nature's news blog.
- Canadian Patent Database
CIPO's Canadian Patent Database: access over 75 years of patent descriptions and images (August 15, 1978 to present.) Search, retrieve and study more than 1,400,000 patent documents. - Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO)
The Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO), a Special Operating Agency (SOA) associated with Industry Canada, is responsible for the administration and processing of the greater part of intellectual property in Canada. CIPO's areas of activity include: patents, trade-marks, copyrights, industrial designs, and integrated circuit topographies.
(CIPO)The Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO), a Special Operating Agency (SOA) associated with Industry Canada, is responsible for the administration and processing of the greater part of intellectual property in Canada. CIPO's areas of activity include: patents, trade-marks, copyrights, industrial designs, and integrated circuit topographies.
- US Patent and Trademark Office (US PTO)
Search for US patents and trademarks. Full text coverage from 1976; 1790-1975 is searchable by patent number and classification only. The PTO promotes the progress of science and the useful arts by securing for limited times to inventors the exclusive right to their respective discoveries (Article 1, Section 8 of the United States Constitution). -
Download and print PDF images of US patents. You must search using a patent number. - Freepatentsonline
Fulltext and images of US patents beginning with patent number 4,000,000 - Patent Fetcher
Download and print PDF images of U. S. patents. -
"The latest published US patent applications each week BEFORE the USPTO decision to grant/deny."
Europe’s network of patent databases. Access provided to the European Patent Office. Translations are provided from the patent's site (through Google Translate. See for tips). -
Japan Patent Office (J-PlatPat)
A searchable database of patent information held by the JPO. -
PATENTSCOPE (WIPO). Includes a patent translator.
- (formerly CAMBIA patentlens)
"...serves nearly all of the patent documents in the world as open, annotatable digital public goods that are integrated with scholarly and technical literature along with regulatory and business data." - IP Newsflash
" for patent families complete with their legal status based on INPADOC data." - ChemSpider
Good for patent searching because it searches patents using all available synonyms of a substance. - SciFinder
SciFinder from Chemical Abstracts Service contains journal and patent literature (Chemical Abstracts) with references from 1907 - present. Information on accessing SciFinder. - Patent Information User’s Group (PIUG)
"..a not-for-profit organization for individuals having a professional, scientific or technical interest in patent information."
If the above sources do not provide you with the full-text of a patent, UofC faculty, students and staff may order patents directly from:
Joanne Grison
Grison Intellectual Property Services
P.O. Box 84123
Gatineau, QC J8P 7R8
TEL: (613)799-0958
TOLL FREE: 1-877-884-4774
FAX: (819)671-8506,
Some quick-and-dirty machine translation services.
Many of these are simply bibliographies or indexes that point one to translated materials.
- Chemical abstracts service source index (CASSI) (1907/69 - )
- The CASSI provides the full title of all abbreviated journals and proceedings indexed by Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) as well as giving the English title of a translated journal where one exists.
- List of English Translation Journals covered by Chemical Abstracts Service with their foreign language equivalent title.
- A guide to scientific and technical journals in translation (1972)
- Journals in translation (1976, 1988)
- Index translationum (searchable bibliography of translations, from UNESCO)
- Print version. (1932 -1940, 1948 - 1986)
- Guide to scientific and technical journals in translation
- List of technical translations (1972)
- Consolidated index of translations into English (1969)
- CISTI has No. 1, 1989 to No. 1761, 1993
- British Library has No. 82, 1948 to No. 2113, 1985 (possibly to 1988)
- Technical translations (1959-1967, see Translation monthly for 1955-1958)
- Translation monthly (1955 - 1958, see Technical translations for 1959-1967)
- Toxnet databases contain synonyms
- Translated Russian Journals: A list of Russian journals and their corresponding English counterparts
- Translations Resources in the Caltech Libraries
Language Dictionaries
- Beilstein Dictionary (German-->English)Online. For users of the Beilstein Handbook of Organic Chemistry
- Translation from German for chemistsThis book is held in the HDL.
- Wörterbuch der Chemie und der chemischen Verfahrenstechnik (Dictionary of chemistry and chemical engineering)v.1 German to English; v.2 English to German. This book is held in the HDL.
- Dictionary of scientific and technical terminologyEnglish/German/French/Dutch/Russian
- Wörterbuch der industriellen Technik, unter weitgehender Berücksichtigung d. neuzeitlichen Techniken u. VerfahrenEnglish/German. aka Dictionary of engineering and technology
- BeolingusOnline. German to/from: English, Spanish and Portuguese
- LingueeOnline. German to/from English, and English to/from Spanish, Portuguese and French. Shows words in context.
- Language Dictionaries and TranslatorsLinks to many other dictionaries
- Last Updated: Dec 6, 2024 7:09 AM
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