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What's on This Page?
Online Encyclopedias
- Comprehensive composite materials (print & online)
- Comprehensive organometallic chemistry III
- Encyclopedia of biomaterials and biomedical engineering
- Encyclopedia of inorganic chemistry
- Encyclopedia of materials (print & elect.)
- Encyclopedia of separation science (print & elect.)
- Encyclopedia of supramolecular chemistry (print & elect.)
- Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of chemical technology, 4th ed. (1991-1998)
- Beilstein Dictionary (German-->English)Online. For users of the Beilstein Handbook of Organic Chemistry
- Dictionary of Chemical Names and Synonyms by Philip H. Howard; Michael NealISBN: 0873713966Publication Date: 1992
- Dictionary of mass spectrometryPrint + online
- Encyclopedic Dictionary of Chemical Technology by D. Noether; Herman NoeterISBN: 0895733293Publication Date: 1993
- Gardner's chemical synonyms and trade namesPrint + online
- Grant and Hackh's Chemical Dictionary by R. A. Grant (Editor); Ingo Waldemar Dagobert HackhISBN: 0070240671Publication Date: 1987
- Hawley's Condensed Chemical Dictionary (multiple editions)Print + online. Precise technical data and descriptive information for chemical substances and phenomena. The description of chemicals and processes along with an expanded definition of chemical entities and terminology may include: Name, Synonyms, CAS Registry Number, Formula, Physical Properties, Source or Occurrence, Grade, Hazard, Use, and Derivation.
Print Encyclopedias
These are all available in the library. Click on the titles to see their call number and location
- Burger's medicinal chemistry & drug discovery
- Chemical formulary (1933 - )
- Comprehensive coordination chemistry II
- Comprehensive inorganic chemistry (1973)
- Comprehensive natural products chemistry (1999)
- Comprehensive organic chemistry (1979)
- Comprehensive organometallic chemistry: the synthesis, reactions and structures of organometallic compounds (1982)
- Comprehensive supramolecular chemistry (1996)
- Condensed encyclopedia of surfactants (1989)
- Dictionary of substances and their effects (1999)
- Electron transfer in chemistry (2001)
- Encyclopedia of analytical science (1995)
- Encyclopedia of chemical physics and physical chemistry (2001)
- Encyclopedia of computational chemistry (1998)
- Encyclopedia of inorganic chemistry (1994)
- Encyclopedia of separation science (2000)
- Encyclopedia of spectroscopy and spectrometry (2000)
- Industrial inorganic chemicals and products (1999)
- Industrial organic chemicals: starting materials and intermediates (1999)
Language Dictionaries
- Beilstein Dictionary (German-->English)Online. For users of the Beilstein Handbook of Organic Chemistry
- Translation from German for chemistsThis book is held in the HDL.
- Wörterbuch der Chemie und der chemischen Verfahrenstechnik (Dictionary of chemistry and chemical engineering)v.1 German to English; v.2 English to German. This book is held in the HDL.
- Dictionary of scientific and technical terminologyEnglish/German/French/Dutch/Russian
- Wörterbuch der industriellen Technik, unter weitgehender Berücksichtigung d. neuzeitlichen Techniken u. VerfahrenEnglish/German. aka Dictionary of engineering and technology
- BeolingusOnline. German to/from: English, Spanish and Portuguese
- LingueeOnline. German to/from English, and English to/from Spanish, Portuguese and French. Shows words in context.
- Language Dictionaries and TranslatorsLinks to many other dictionaries
- Last Updated: Dec 6, 2024 7:09 AM
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