Religious Studies Web Guide
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General Portals:
- Canadian Church Directory - lists by denominations
- Conference des Eveques de France - information on dioceses, documents and definition of terms
- Hartford Institute for Religion Research
- Internet Resources for the Study of Judaism and Christianity compiled by Jay Treat
- Missions and World Christianity Guide (Yale University Library) - prepared by Christopher Anderson at Yale University Library
- Munsteraner Forum for Theologie und Kirche's Interessante Links fur Theologinnen und Theologen
- Official Denominational Web Sites (Hartford Institue for Religion Research)
- World Council of Churches - see documents section for fulltext of World Council of Churches documents
- Index Theologicus (IxTheo): Zeitschrifteninhaltsdienst Theologie der Universitätsbibliothek Tübingen - major index to religion and theology articles (world-wide coverage), essays and books. Particularly useful for German publications. Can limit to open access (small percentage)
- Research in Ministry Online (RIM Online) -indexes theses from over 100 DMin, DMiss and DEdMin programs accredited by the Association of Theological Schools. Searchable by keyword, author, title, subject and institution.
- Riviste On-line - indexes 174 Italian theology and philosophy journals
- SELADOC - index to theological articles from Latin America
- Teologia y religiosidad latinoamericana - Index to Theological Periodicals in Latin America - click on the pull down menu beside Buscar and select Seladoc
- Theoldi - Index to Theological and Interdisciplinary literature produced by the School of Theology at the University of Innsbruck. Covers Biblical Literature BILDI, Systematic and Fundamental theology KALDI, Canon law, and Girard Documentation MIMESIS
- Theological Journals Search - custom Google search of over 250 open access theological journals
- TREN (Theological Research Exchange Network Database) - Searchable database of over 23,800 theological theses/dissertations and conference papers
- Barth - major database of works by and about Barth
- BIBP: Base d'Information Bibliographique en Patristique - searchable database to 60,000 records from over 1600 journals on patristic studies (Early Christian Church Fathers). While you need to search in French, many of the items are in English
- Bibliografia Misional y Ecumenica 2003 - extensive listing of Spanish works on mission
- Bibliographies for Theology - compiled by William Harmless includes sections for: New Testament (Gospels, Paul, Historical Jesus and Christology), Early Christianity (Patristics - Ignatius, Origen, Athanasius, Cyril of Alexandria, Augustine, Antony, Cyril of Jerusalem and early Christian worship, Melania and women in the early Church), Medieval Christianity (Benedict and Medieval Monasticism. Gregory VII , Anselm, Francis of Assisi, Aquinas, Eckhart), the Reformation (Luther, Bucer, Zwingli, Calvin and Ignatius of Loyola), spirituality and mysticism (including Jewish Buddhist, Islamic, Hindu, Taoist, Confucian spirituality), sacraments and liturgy and 20th century theology)
- Bibliographies on Mission Studies compiled by John Roxborogh
- Bibliography of Christianity in Ethiopia (2003)
- Bibliography in Ecological Ethics and Eco-Theology
- Bibliography of Ecumenicism and the Ecumenical Movement
- Bibliography of Interconfessional Dialogues
- Bibliography of Thai Christianity by Herb Swanson
- Charles Hartshorne: Primary Bibliography of Philosophical Works
- Centre for Process Studies Bibliographies - includes bibliographies on Hartshorne, Cobb, Ecofeminism, Korean thought and Process Studies, Whitehead, Peirce and Process Thought etc.
- Chinese Christian Texts Database - created by Ad Dudink & Nicolas Standaert, " The Chinese Christian Texts Database (CCT-Database) is a research database of primary and secondary sources concerning the cultural contacts between China and Europe in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries (from 1582 to ca. 1840). The cultural contacts comprise documents in the various fields of cultural interaction: religion, philosophy, science, art, etc. " References for primary works contain description of content, lists of translations or secondary sources, and notes on facsimile editions and information on the author.
- Christian Encounter with African Traditional Religion compiled by Gailyn Van Rheenen- from
- Christian Sexual Ethics Bibliographies from The Feminist Sexual Ethics Project - Includes bibliographies for: Asian and Asian-American Women's Theology and Thought, European-American Christian Women's Theology and Thought, Mujerista and Feminista Theology and Thought, The Bible and Homosexuality and Womanist and African-American Women's Theology and Thought
- Christianity and Ecology bibliography - compiled by Peter W. Bakken - posted at The Forum on Religion and Ecology at Yale
- Christianity in China - compiled by Joseph Adler - includes sections for Nestorian Christianity in China and Catholic and Protestant missionaries in China
- Christians and Jews in the Middle Ages: A Bibliography - compiled by Patrick Nugent, from The ORB: Online Reference Book for Medieval Studies
- Contemporary Religious Life Annotated Bibliography
- Cross in Ango-Saxon Britain
- Deutsches Liturgisches Institut - Search their library for listings of works (books and journal articles) on liturgy including Jewish liturgy.
- Dr Williams's Library and Congregational Library Online - major index to over 40,000 books and 67,000 journal articles on English Protestant Nonconformity
- Global Christian Theology: An Annotated Bibliography with Emphasis on Non-White Theologians - compiled by Peter T. Vogt, Herbert V. Klem, Robert V. Rakestraw (Bethel Theological Seminary) - last updated 1998
- GlobeTheoLib and Library - extensive digital library of books and journals on theology and on ethics (political, bioethics, legal, religious, media etc.) worldwide. Most of the identified books and journals articles are freely available
- Lollard Studies - bibliographies of primary and secondary sources for John Wyclif and Jan Hus
- Missiology Bibliography (from
- Natural Sciences and Theology (Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences) - links to websites and bibliography
- Online-Katalog der Bibliothek des Instituts fur Theologie und Frieden - Books and journal articles on the theology of peace, includes works from an ethical perspective
- Parker Library Bibliography of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts
- PThK - Predigtadatenbank fur Theologie und Kirche - index to over 6,000 sermons published in periodical literature. Can search by theme, biblical passage, day and author
- Sources Chretiénnes - listing of all the volumes in this series
- The Study of Christian Monasticism - compiled by Ksenia Medvedeva (April 2015)
- Theologians - listing of sources fo background information, texts and secondary materials compiled by Steve Perisho
- Theologie-Systematisch - compiled by Herbert Frohnhofen
- Theopoetics bibliography (ARC: A Creative Collaboration for Theopoetics)
- Waldesians Bibliography - can search by keyword or author and browse index of people, subjects, titles, places
- Women and Christianity - see Women and Religion
- Women Travelers, Explorers and Missionaries to Africa : 1763-2003: a comprehensive English language bibliography
Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
- Biografisch Lexicon voor de geschiedenis van het Nederlandse Protestantisme - biographical dictionary of the history of Dutch Protestantism includes over 2,000 individuals.
- Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Christianity - "essential biographical facts of Chinese and foreign Christian missionaries, church leaders, evangelists, and laity chiefly responsible for laying the foundations and advancing the growth of Chinese Christian communities and their influence in societies around the world. While the database is widely inclusive of time periods and faith traditions, the distinctive focus of the project is on the lesser-known Chinese Christians of the modern era (1800 to 1950)."
- Dictionary of African Christian Biography
- Key Figures from Musée Protestant
- Reallexikon zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte - good for Christian art
- New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge by Philip Schaff - 13 vols. ( from Christian Classics Ethereal Library) - excellent for biographical information
- Surman Index - brief biographical information on Congregational Ministers
Digital Text Collections
- Christian Classics Ethereal Library - includes author/title/subject index and covers a wide range of authors from St. Augustine To G.K. Chesterton and John Donne
- Christian Works from the Cambridge Digitial Library- biblical manuscripts and liturgical texts covering over 1,000 years
- Church in the Southern Black Community - "The Church in the Southern Black Community" collects autobiographies, biographies, church documents, sermons, histories, encyclopedias, and other published materials. These texts present a collected history of the way Southern African Americans experienced and transformed Protestant Christianity into the central institution of community life. Coverage begins with white churches' conversion efforts, especially in the post-Revolutionary period, and depicts the tensions and contradictions between the egalitarian potential of evangelical Christianity and the realities of slavery. It focuses, through slave narratives and observations by other African American authors, on how the black community adapted evangelical Christianity, making it a metaphor for freedom, community, and personal survival." - includes Guide to Religious Content in Slave Narrative and list of images by subject
- Coptic Scriptorium - various Coptic texts, dictionaries and other tools
- Day Missions Collection of annual reports for a variety of Mission Bodies and groups
- Documents on Christian-Jewish relations (Center for Christian-Jewish Learning) - Includes inter-religious, Roman Catholic, Protestant and Jewish works
- Gifford Lectures - list of lectures and links to full text for many of them available through Internet Archive
- GlobeTheoLib (Global Digital Library on Theology and Ecumenism) and GlobeEthics Lib - extensive digitial library of books and journals on "theology, intercultural and interreligious dialogue, ethics and ecumenism in World Christianity
- Goussen Library Collection - specialized library for oriental church history - digitized texts in "oriental languages such as Syrian, Coptic, Ethiopian, Arabic, Armenian and Georgian languages from the 16th to the 20th century (the focus is on the 18th and the 19th century)." - comprehensive index to hymns and hymnals
- History of Missiology Collection (Boston University School of Theology)
- Internet Medieval Sourcebook: Roman Church , Crusades, Papacy, Medieval Church
- ISR Reports (Baylor Institute for Studies of Religion)
- Jewish-Christian Relations Background resources on Christian-Jewish relations - official statements, historic documents, educational resources, essays - includes a collection of texts on Jewish understanding of non-Jews and a biographical dictionary of Jesuits of Jewish ancestry
- Jewish-Christian Relations: Insights and Issues in the ongoing Jewish-Christian Dialogue
- Monumenta Germaniae Historica - Primary sources for the study of German history covering Holy Roman Empire, Benedictines, Bollandistes, Catholic Church, Benedictines, Cistercians
- Parker Library on the Web - extensive digital collection of Medieval and Renaissance manuscripts
- Post-Reformation Digital Library - extensive collection of texts for Zwingli and many others - " collection of resources relating to the development of theology during the Post-Reformation / Early Modern era (ca. 16th-18th c."
- Puritan Library
- Restoration Movement Texts
- Sermon Online - can search by title, biblical passage, keyword and author
- Theological Collections (hosted by American Theological Library Association) - 80 digital collections from a variety of Theological libraries- includes manuscripts, texts, images, postcards etc.
- Theological Commons (Princeton Theological Seminary) - over 120,0000 books, journals, photographs, manuscripts etc.
- Art and the Bible - can view biblical images by artist's name. Images are linked to the biblical text.
- Art and Religion - National Gallery Research Theme - focuses on Christian art
- Art in the Christian Tradition - " The Art in the Christian Tradition (ACT) database is a freely available, regularly updated visual image internet resource. Designed for scholars, students, pastors, and religious educators, all of the images may be used for educational and/or religious non-profit purposes. Images are added regularly. There are currently 4469 images in the collection."
- Basel Mission Archives - "digitized visual and cartographic material.... some 30,000 images, 6700 maps, sketches and plans"
- Codices Electronici Ecclesiae Coloniensis - digitized medieval manuscripts from the Cologne Cathedral Library
- Illuminated Manuscript Images from the Bodleian Library
- International Mission Photography Archives (Yale University) - over 10,000 missionary photographs
- Kunera - Database of Medieval Pilgrimage Art - includes over 13,000 images with accompanying information including links to books and articles
- Medieval Art and Architecture Images - project by Alison Stones
- Medieval Illuminated Manuscripts ( Koninklijke Bibliotheek) - you can browse by subject or keyword search this major collection
- Medieval Manuscripts from the Pierpont Morgan Library
- Monastic Matrix - images from this"scholarly resource for the study of women's religious communities from 400 to 1600 CE"
- Pilgerzeichendatenbank - database of European Middle Ages pilgrims badges
- Yale Divinity Library Photographs
Libraries and Archives
- John Richard Allison Library at Regent College - strong collection of material for Puritan studies
- Missions on Microform - listing of major missionary collections on microfilm
- Mundus: Gateway to missionary collections in the United Kingdom - guide to the holdings of over 400 collections of overseas missionary materials held in the United Kingdom
- VthK (Virtueiler Katakog Theologie und Kirche) - Meta-catalogue of over 8 million works including essays held by ecclesiastical and academic libraries in Germany
Major Multi-Denominational Libraries
- Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide - Archives and Library - "research and teaching centre in Cambridge, England dedicated to study, reflection, and practical engagement with the global nature of Christianity in the twenty-first century."
- Deutsches Liturgisches Institut Library - indexes works in books and journals - also includes Jewish liturgy
- Dr. William's Library and Congregational Library Online - major index to books and articles on English Protestant nonconformity - link to manuscripts "Archives List" under search all collections
- Goussen Library Collection - specialized library for oriental church history - digitized texts in "oriental languages such as Syrian, Coptic, Ethiopian, Arabic, Armenian and Georgian languages from the 16th to the 20th century (the focus is on the 18th and the 19th century)." - comprehensive index to hymns and hymnals
- Graduate Theological Union Library
- Institut d'Etudes Augustiennes Online Catalogue (Sorbonne Université) - index to essays and books on the first 1,000 years of Christianity (includes Biblical and Semitic studies)
- Online-Katalog der Bibliothek des Instituts fur Theologie und Frieden - Books and journal articles on the theology of peace, includes works from an ethical perspective
- Schoenberg Database of Manuscripts - comprehensive listing of manuscripts produced prior to 1600. Can limit by a wide variety of fields including "liturgical use" - includes links to digital texts when available.
- Universitatsbibliothek Tuebingen
- Yale University Divinity School Library
Music and Liturgy
- Benson Collection of Hymnals and Hymnology - over 9,000 works donated by Dr. Louis F. Benson to Princeton Seminary - over half of the collection is available digitally
- Cantus Database - index of Latin ecclesiastical chants - with links to full text. Fully searchable by keyword, textual incipit, saint's name, liturgical occasion and chant ID number
- Common Worship texts - Church of England liturgical resources
- Deutsches Liturgisches Institut - Search their library for listings of works (books and journal articles) on liturgy including Jewish liturgy
- Gregorian Chant Home page
- Hungarian Chant Database
- Hymn Tune Index - index to English-language hymns printed before 1820.
- - " is a comprehensive index of 5,250 hymnals and 1,111,704 published hymns, with scores, media, and information from sources such as Julian's Dictionary of Hymnology, hymnal handbooks, and experts in the field. "
- The John and Ruby Lomax 1939 Southern States Recording Trip - ethnographic field collection from the Library of Congress' American Folklife Center - includes a few religious dramas ad over 150 spirituals etc.
- Monastic Topics: Liturgy - see sections "Music Resources" and :Western Music Texts"
- Name that Hymn - provides lyrics, sheet music and audio for classic Christian hymns
- The Worship Website of the ELCTC - Resources section provides links to liturgy
Religious Studies Program Directories
- Association of Theological Schools Member List - Geographical and Denominational Lists are also available
- Association of Theological Schools Approved for Distance Education
- Council for Christian Colleges and Universities Member List
- Members of the Australian and New Zealand Association of Theological Schools
- Last Updated: Jan 14, 2025 5:51 PM
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