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Asian Studies - Open Access Journals
Neliti - full-text articles from over 3000 Indonesian journals
- Nepal Journals Online
Specific Titles:
- Ancient Asia: Journal of the Society of South Asian Archaeology
- Annual of Urdu Studies - v. 1, 1981 - V. 29,2014 (ceased in 2014)
- Ars Orientalis - a scholarly journal on Asian art and archaeology - v. 1 - 41 , 2011 are available open access
- Asian Art
- Asian Culture and History
- Asian Ethnology - Formerly called Asian Folklore Studies and Folklore Studies - all volumes are available on this site
- Asian Folkore Studies now called Asian Ethnology
- Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies
- Asian Studies - formerly called Asian and African Studies
- Asiatische Studien: Zeitschrift der Schweizerischen Asiengesellschaft - 24 month embargo. Starting 2025 "will be open access on a year by year basis "
- Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde - "focused in particular on the linguistics, anthropology, and history of Southeast Asia, and more specifically of Indonesia"
- Bodhi: An interdisciplinary journal
- Bulletin de l'École Française d'Extrême-Orient - 1901-2012
- Bulletin of the Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture - religions in Japan
- Bulletin of Tibetology
- Cahiers d'Extrême-Asie - "scholarly journal founded in 1985 by Anna Deidel and Hubert Durt specializing in religious studies and intellectual history of East Asia"
- e-Journal of East and Central Asian Religions - v.1, 2013
- Études mongles & sibériennes
- European Bulletin of Himalayan Research - issues from 2000.and earlier - scholarly articles on topics including history of religions in Karakorum, Hindukush, Ladakh, southern Tibet, Kashmir, north-west India, Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan and north-east India.
- International Journal of Dharma Studies v. 1, 2013 -v. 5, 2017
- International Journal of Sino-Western Studies
- Intersections: Gender, History and Culture in the Asian Context
- Inter-Religio : network of Christian organizations for inter-religious encounter in Eastern Asia. 1982-2005. Ceased.
- Japanese Journal of Religious Studies (Previously published as Contemporary Religions in Japan)
- Journal Asiatique - 1822-1940.
- Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies
- Journal of Oriental Studies (Institute of Oriental Philosophy Journal) - v. 10, 2000 to v. 27, 2017
- Journal of South Asian Studies
- Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies - note articles are not made available open access until 60 months after publication
- Journal of the International Association of Tibetan Studies
- Journal of the Tibet Society
- Jouvert: a journal of postcolonial studies - see especially v. 3, special double issue: "Religion between culture and philosophy"
- Orientalia Suecana
- Religious Studies in Japan
- Revue d'Etudes Tibetaines
- Rivista di Studi Sudasiatici - 2006-2009
- SAGAR: South Asia Graduate Research Journal (Austin, Texas) - "articles and English translations of texts in South Asian languages. In 2013 began using a peer-reviewed process. Ceased with v. 26, 2918.
- Silk Road: Journal of the Silk Road House - "history and cultures of Eurasia, especially in pre-modern time
- South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal
- Studia Orientalia Electronica - "is a peer-reviewed multidisciplinary journal publishing original research articles and reviews in all fields of Asian and African studies. The main areas of interest are: African studies, Arabic and Islamic Studies, Semitic Studies, Altaic studies, East Asian Studies, South Asian Studies, Arabic Linguistics, Assyriology, Egyptology, and Japanese Studies."
- The Tibet Mirror - selected full-text for 1927-1963
- Zeitschift für Indologie und Iranstik - Also available from Internet Archives
- Zeitschrift der Deutchen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft - v.1 - v.163, 2013, includes Supplement v. 1-11
- Last Updated: Jan 14, 2025 5:51 PM
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