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Judaism - Open Access Journals
- Canadian Institute for Jewish Research Databank - primarily index to newspaper articles - provides full text of the newspaper article - in advanced search can limit to specific publication and to author and date.
- Compact Memory - open access to over 100 German Jewish periodicals published between 1806-1938
- Historical Jewish Press - digital versions of 53 titles including Palestine Press, Davar and Bulletin de l'Alliance Israelite Universal
Specific Titles:
- AJS Perspectives: The Magazine of the Association for Jewish Studies 2010 to the present
- Allgemeine Zeitung des Judenthums (Compact Memory) - 1837- 1922
- Altneuland: Monaatsschrift fur die Wirtschafliche Erschliessung Palastinas (Compact Memory) - 1904-1906
- American Jewish History (formerly called Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society) - v. 1 -39, 1893-1951; 84, 1996 to present
- American Jewish Archives Journal
- American Jewish Yearbook
- Ancient Jew Review
- Arquivo Maaravi: Revista Digital de Esetudos Judaicos da UFMG
- Australian Journal of Jewish Studies - 2008-2013
- Bulletin de l'Alliance Israelite Universelle - Jewish Press Site - full text versions of historical Jewish Newspapers - currently The Palestine Post, The Bulletin de l'Alliance Israelite Universelle and Paix Et Droit are available
- Bulletin der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Judaistische Forschung - latest few years
- Canadian Jewish News - current issue - Archives
- Commentary - monthly "journal of significant thought and opinion on Jewish affairs and contemporary issues"
- CEU (Central European University) Jewish Studies Yearbook - 1 to 4 are available full text; contents only for 5-7.
- Cuadernos Judaicos
- Der Jude: eine Monatscchrift (Compact Memory) - 1916-1928
- Die Friestatt: Alljudische Revue: Monasttschrift fur judische Kultur and Politik (Compact Memory) 1913-1914
- Die Welt: Zentralorgan der Zionistischen Bewegung (Compact Memory) 1897-1914
- Edah Journal
- Esra: Monatsschrift des judischen Akademikers (Compact Memory) 1919-1920
- Frankel Institute Annual - published by the Frankel Center for Judaic Studies
- Hamsa: Journal of Judaic and Islamic Studies
- Hebraic Political Studies - "aims to evaluate the place of the Jewish textual tradition, along-side the traditions of Greece and Rome, in political history and the history of political thought"
- Hebrew Annual Review - v.1 1977 to volume 14, 1994
- Hebrew Higher Education - v. 11, 2009 to date
- Jahrbuch fuer juedische Geschichte und Literatur (Compact Memory) - 1898-1938
- Jewish Action: The Magazine of the Orthodox Union
- Jewish Bible Quarterly - open access for issues up to the last 2 years.
- Jewish Book Annual v. 1, 1942 - v. 55-60, 1997-99
- Jewish Folklore and Ethnology Review - v. 9 to v. 20 formerly called Jewish Folklore and Ethnology Newsletter
- Jewish Historical Studies: Transactions of the Jewish Historical Society of England
- Jewish Political Studies Review
- Jewish Quarterly Review - 1888-1922 available open access; note you can read online issues from 1923-2015 via JSTOR
- Jewish Review of Books - contents and selected full text of articles can be read online free
- Jewish Social Studies -contents back to v.1 , 1939 and selected full-text (via JSTOR)
- Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Daily News Bulletin)
- Journal des Etudes de la Cabale / Journal of Kabbalah Studies
- Journal for Semitics-"study of and research on the Near East (including North Africa) in the spheres of language, literature, culture, religion, history and archaeology - Contents 2006 to date /Contents and fulltext 1989-2005
- Journal of Jewish Lore and Philosophy v. 1, 1919 only (Continued by Hebrew Union College Annual)
- Journal of Jewish Communal Service (Berman Jewish Policy Archive)
- Journal of Jewish Education (previous title: Jewish Education) - available through the Berman Policy Archives
- Journal of Jewish Studies - contents only
- Journal of Hebrew Scriptures
- Journal of Jewish Music and Liturgy - Issues also available at Open Music Library
- Journal of Synagogue Music - v.1 , 1967 to present
- Journal of Textual Reasoning -"essays in the exegetical analyses of Jewish texts and the practice of textual reasoning as well as statements in the on-going development of the theory of Textual Reasoning"
- Journal of the Jesus Movement in its Jewish Setting - first to seventh centuries
- Judaica: Neue digitale Folge (JNDF)
- Judaica Librarianship: Journal of the Association of Jewish Libraries
- Judaica Petropolitana - Russian and Hebrew articles
- Judaica Ukrainica - Peer-reviewed annual journal in Jewish Studies - articles in Ukrainian and English
- Kalonymos - German Jewish Studies - 1998 to date
- Martyrdom and Resistance (bi-monthly newsletter of the International Society for Yad Vashem)
- Mathal: Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Multidisciplinary Studies - covers Islam and Judaism
- MEAH: Miscelánea de Estudios Árabes y Hebraicos. Sección Hebreo
- Melilah: Manchester Journal of Jewish Studies
- Ma'yan Journey (The Jewish Women's Project) Winter 1998 Winter 2000
- Menorah Review
- Meorot: A Forum of Modern Orthodox Discourse (formerly The Edah Journal) - "forum for discussion of Orthodox Judaism's engagement with modernity"
- Michigan Jewish History
- Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums (Compact Memory) 1851 -1939. Selected volumes also available from Internet Archive
- Oqimta: Studies in Talmudic and Rabbinic Literature (majority of articles are in Hebrew)
- Ost und West (Compact Memory) - 1901-1923
- Nordisk Judaistik: Scandinavian Jewish Studies
- Paix Et Droit - Jewish Press Site - full text versions of historical Jewish Newspapers - currently The Palestine Post, The Bulletin de l'Alliance Israelite Universelle and Paix Et Droit are available
- Palaestina: Zeitschift fur den Aufbau Palastinas(Compact Memory) - 1902-1938
- Palestinian Post - Jewish Press Site - full text versions of historical Jewish Newspapers
- Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research - vol. 1 - Vol. 63, 1928-1997 - can read articles free online
- Quest: Issues in Contemporary Jewish History
- Quntres: An Online Journal for the History Culture and Art of the Jewish Book - in Hebrew
- The Reconstructionist Journal: A Journal of Contemporary Jewish Thought and Practice (Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association)
- The Scribe - Issue 1 to v. 78, 2006 - Journal of Babylonian Jewry
- Sefarad - articles on Hebrew bible, linguistics and philology of Hebrew and Aramaic and the languages, history and culture of Jews in Spain and of Sephardim
- Sephardic Horizons
- Sh'ma Now: A Journal of Jewish Sensibilities
- Studia Judaica - in Polish
- Studies in Jewish Education (Melton Centre for Jewish Education) - selected issues - in Hebrew
- Tablet Magazine - "daily online magazine of Jewish news, ideas and culture"
- Tamid (Societat Catalan d'Estudis Hebraics) - articles on Jews in medieval Catalonia as well as contemprary Hebrew literature
- Torah u-Madda Journal
- Tradition: A Journal of Orthodox Jewish Thought - latest few years not available open access
- Tsafon: Revue d'études juives du Nord - une revue d'études juives interdisciplinaire dont les thèmes sont : textes bibliques et rabbiniques, religion et relations interreligieuses, histoire du peuple juif de l'Antiquité à nos jours, histoire de l’État d'Israël, littérature contemporaine juive et israélienne
- University of Toronto Journal of Jewish Thought
- WebMosaica: Revista do Instituto Cultural Judaico Marc Chagall
- Wissenschaftliche Zeischrift fur judische Theologie (Compact Memory) - 1835 -1847
- Women in Judaism: a multidisciplinary journal
- Last Updated: Dec 1, 2024 9:47 PM
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