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Ancient Religions - Bibliographies and Indexes
- Gnomon Online: Bibliographische Datenbank - Classical studies bibliography good for locating articles, books, and essays on Greek and Roman religions and other religions of the ancient world
- KeiBi: Internationale Keilschriftbibliographie online - this key tool for locating books and articles on Ancient Near Eastern Studies was first published by the Pontifical Biblical Institute in the journal Orientalia and it now available fully searchable online.
- Nestor: Bibliography of Aegean and Related Areas - index to books and articles on the Aegean, Homeric Society and related fields (prehistoric period) - published by the Department of Classics at the University of Cincinnati - updated monthly, currently contains over 48,000 works
- Oriental Institute Integrated Database Search - index to books, journal articles and essays on the ancient near east.
- Propylaeum, die Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Altertumswissenschaften - Specialized portal that was developed for eight areas of Classical Studies: Egyptology, Ancient History, Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Byzantine Studies, Classical Archaeology, Classics, Central and Latin Philology and Pre-and Early History. Index to books and essays dealing with Classical Studies.
- Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database - index to 149 works on the ancient world - includes links to full-text
- TOCS-IN - provides access to the tables of content of over 180 classics journals including numerous titles relevant to Religious Studies - includes links to fulltext where available and provides keyword searching
- ABZU - edited by Charles E. Jones this is a guide to open access material on the Ancient Near East
- Ancient Slavery Bibliography - from The Feminist Sexual Ethics project's section "Slavery, Sexuality and Religion"
- Association for the Understanding of Ancient Cultures (AUAC) Bibliography - contains over 2,000 references and 53 fulltext documents on archaeology research
- Aufsteig und Niedergang der Romanischen Welt - searchable index to the contents of the books in this very important series on the Classical World
- Bibliography of Emar Studies (Bibliografia de los estudios de Emar) - ancient Mesopotamian city about 100km east of Aleppo - includes section for religion - Periodic updates appear in issues of Ugarit-Forschungen ( vol. 35, 2003, vol. 37, 2005, vol. 41, 2009, vol. 43, 2011, vol. 45, 2014, v. 49 (2018)
- Bibliographie Papyrologique (BP) - index to articles on papyrology and the society and history of the Graeco-Roman world, includes documents in Demotic, Coptic and Aratic from Alexander's conquest to 11th cent CE
- Coptic Bibliographies - links to a number of bibliographies of works on the Coptic Church
- Coptic Magic Bibliography - from the Coptic Magical Papyri Database - this work in development will include "information on each individual surviving manuscript, whether on papyrus, parchment, ostraca or tablets, in the form of bookrolls, codices, loose leaves or amulets. The database will ultimately include transcriptions and translations of every “spell” included"
- Database for the Analysis of Anonymous and Pseudepigraphic Jewish Texts of Antiquity
- Demontistische Literaturubersicht - compiled by Thissen, Felber, Depauw and Hoffmann - "ongoing bibliography of all books, articles,... related to the field of Demotic Studies, and appears in regular installments in the periodical Enchoria. All publications of the Demotistische Literaturübersicht may also be found in the TM Bib, though with less information."
- Dreams of Antiquity - Dreams and Visions in the Greco-Roman world
- Droits Antiques (DRANT) - "legal, political, economic and social institutions of the ancient Mediterranean world" - including history of religions in Ancient Greece and Roman, Persia, Near East and Egypt. Annually over 4,000 articles and books are examined for material.
- Gnostic Reading List - books on Gnosticism and editions of Gnostic Scriptures
- Hethitische bibliographie - Hittite bibliography compiled by Massimiliano Marazzi, Gerfird G.W. Muller, Jana Souckova and Gernot Wilhelm
- iDAI.bibliography/ Zenon - produced by Deutsches Archaeologisches Institut this resource listing both books and articles brings together the holdings of libraries across the world with strong archaeological holdings. Very useful for religions in antiquity including Judaism, early Christian church, early Islam and Ugarit, Hittite, Maya, Roman, Greek, Celtic, Persian and Canaanite religions
- Index bibliographique des figurines funeraires - produced by Société d'égyptologie Genève this is an extensive list of Egyptian funeral figurines with links to bibliographic information.
- Inscriptions Database (Europeana Eagle Project) - online collection of digitized items and translations
- Magic in the Ancient World: Bibliography
- Mamluk bibliography online (Middle East Documentation Center, University of Chicago) - primary and secondary sources on the Mamluk sultanate of Egypt and Syria. Over 1,000 items listed in the subject category of Religion
- Ritual and Ceremony in the Graeco-Roman World: A select Classified Bibliography (1970-1996) - compiled by K. C. Hanson includes section on Dead Sea Scrolls, Jesus Movements and earliest church
- an annotated bibliography of Syriac resources online - includes links to open access resources including bibliographies, canon law, grammars, hagiography, dictionaries, maps and texts of Aphrahat, Bardaisan, Isacc of Antioch, Jack of Sarug, John of Ephesus, Ephrem, Michael the Syrian, Thomas of Marga, Narsai, Synodicon Orientale, Cyrillona, Chronicles of Bar Hebraeus and Chronicle of Seert
- Temples of Karnak Bibliography - produced by the Centre Franco-Egyptien d'Etude des Temples de Karnak
- Trismegistos Bibliography (TM) - Books and articles on Trismegistos texts and religion in the ancient world
- Women and Ancient Religions - see also Women and Religion section
- Last Updated: Jan 14, 2025 5:51 PM
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